I lifted the spare wheel cover today, and under the gas tank there is quite a puddle of water!

The button to open the boot doesn't work, upon taking the button out it was full of water aswell.

Is the water is the well likely to be coming in from the button in the tail gate? Or is it likely to be the drain channels from the sun roof?

Any advice would be much appreciated.
David Hallworth.
My car was flooding around the spare wheel and it took me ages to find at least the major leaK.
Is the carpet wet at the side?
if so there is a drain behind the trim , mine was on the near side.
I had to remove all the trim on the rear near side , even the seat belt C post trim. Behind there i found a 8- 10 mm o/d pipe that had become disconnected.I reconnected it(sunroof drain?) and it has cut the flood to a trickle. Water still getting in somewhere , but have higher priority jobs.
Great to find your post regarding the water inside RR. It has been raining like hell down in Nicaragua, I foud out there was water in the driver foot well, well is fixed. First I thought it was coming from the pollen filter covers but it came from the wiper motor wire harness plug that ws not in its place. I had to take appart the heater ventilation grill, by the way I took away the destroyed sponge filter and upgrade it to folded moskito Black PVC screen, it looks awesome and will last longer. Now water leak in that particular area is fixed. Happiness last until I found condensation under the back seat as I fold it, i coul se there was a lot of water under the carpet...as i go to the spare...yes water all over the place! This weekend I will give it a try with you advice.
Yes, that was the cause I tried puorin some water in the sunroof after taking apart the rear inside covers, sunroof drain was in its place but after a while it started todrop from the union between the hose and the one way valve. (it seems valve doesnt drain as fast as it gets filled up. I gave several passes of teflon tape in order to FIT the hose thight as itgooes into the valve. I did the same in the right side as a prevention.
I've just replaced the seal at the rear of my P38 as the carpet and underlay were sauturated but only on the passenger side. I don't know if it is fixed yet but am curious about this sunroof drain. Which side is it please and what trim needs removing to get to it?



Put the rear seats in gargo position and open the half moon carpet access, it has a heavy foam padding underneath, now press it you find water there then take appart the cargo area

The rear sunroof drains are mounted over the rear wheels fenders, you have to take appart the luggage compartment covers in order to access them.The whole right and left side plastic covers. That means dismounting the subwoofer and Cd Changer as well as the Sat Nav equipment. Once you get there I recomend to use silicone sealer where the boot joints the hose, this because if its a heavy raining water will get into the car anyways as the boot valve will evacuate water slower than the hose fills. I would cut the tip of the valve (1mm) ech leaf (are 4) in order to acelerate the evacuation.

Good Luck

Yo have to take the right side cover that goes from the rear right door to the stop light access.

You will have to unbolt the seat belts too, the drains are on top of the wheels bumps, you cannot see them from underneath the bar because there is a plastic cover (mud guard).

Check this link, this page offers all the info needed http://www.rangerovers.net/repairdetails/sunroof/drains.html

Good Luck

Keep me informed!!!
Regardsing the sunroof drains -

If you open the sunroof and pour some water in the gutter around the edge (you will see the drain holes) then look for water dripping on each of the corners of the car - each drain goes to its respective corner. The water should come out around the mud guards. If it doesn't its staying in the car somewhere.

This was the trouble when my boot carpet was getting wet and like others only on the passenger side!!

Good luck



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