Island 4×4 have genuine LR part for about £72, but it's still a lot of lolly for a bit of rubber. Can you match the profile with a seal supplier like Woolies Trim?

What a site, never knew so many profiles existed!

One or two look promising, and £4 odd a metre is much more appealing.

Anyone got any idea why mine is so short though? It's otherwise in good nick!
Update: have bought 1.7m of generic windscreen trim from FleaBay for the massive price of £7. Will see if it fits!
Have you had the plastic plenum covers off underneath the wipers and checked the plenum and the seal around the heater intake.
Looking at mine, even if water gets in there it shouldn’t leak in to the car, some water will always end up down there when it rains as well
I assume my pre face-lift didn't receive the updated air plenum protector to divert weather, and paired with the perished seal strip was letting rain in. Now sorted!

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