AMR 6476 is the correct part. Diagnostics is the way forward, IMO your problems lie with the BECM Rick The Pick would be the man to clarify
last time diagnostics would not communicate with ECU. Was running fine when first changed fusebox then just packed up when I ran it to fumes due to sticking fuel gauge. Will change fuse box then get the rovercom connected up again to see if it can see what's going on.

Need something that starts and runs reliably. Don't mind continuous niggles and jobs but regular total lack of starting is a problem when you have a baby sat in the car. Hopefully this fuse box will at least make it start and stop again.
Second hand one was AMR 3376 which I believe is for diesels but he says was off a 4.6 guess someone replaced it with wrong one before breaking it.
Your post #121 confirms that you replaced with correct fuse box #124 confirms that it is different :confused:.

It is critical you replace with like for like for any hope of success
Happy with which box should be in and always was as did some research first. Just chanced one off a 4.6 to see if I could get her running which it did. Replaced with wrong one it worked for 10 trips before failing again.

Just replaced with correct one still exactly the same. Getting fuel as splutters occasionally and fuel coming out exhaust. Sync mate no longer lights up at all when plugged in with old fuse box or correct new one.
If it was not for lack of lights on sync mate would say it is fuel pump weakness or leaking line but with lack of light makes me think something more serious.
Got it back on drive so going to change fuel filter tomorrow. Last owner only used it to go round block every couple of weeks due to faulty TPS so maybe tank sludge has clogged filter. Will update tomorrow. Also going to check ignition.
Ok new to this thread. Had a quick read, sounds like you've done loads. You've also put loads of neat fuel down the cylinder bores and washed them clean. Ie now you have no compression. You said it turns over fast, no wonder. Could try taking the plugs out and clean them. Also put some oil down the bores, and spin it over with plugs out ( use a rag to stop the oil from going everywhere ). Plugs in, and try again. Just a thought.
Fuse box's are a servicable item. Every five years they should be replaced.

There's three things that could cause your problem. Fuse box, becm, or the gems ecu.

As you have the famous sync-mate, try & get hold of another gems ecu & swap it over & see what happens.

If still no joy, send your becm to me & I'll fully test it out for you.
Thanks, will do if no joy after a bit of work. Am taking plugs out in a bit to check ignition. Never heard of total loss of compression due to washed bores and worked on a lot of cars but will try putting some oil down them. About to change filter now as expect the tank has not been run down before in the last 12 months due to lack of use by previous owner.
Every day is a school day. Earth connection to fuse box was held on by a loose bolt. Never noticed it and has been like it since I have owned it. Curbside Cars mechanic was playing around with connectors on back of board when his hand hit the cable and it came off terminal.

Sorted problems immediately. Obviously this could have been causing any number of issues for me and previous owner. No longer revs up occasionally. Am happy that the parts I replaced will stand it in good stead for the future as old fuse box was dodgy. Now running perfect. Rovercom scan showed faulty fuel sender which makes sense as always on 3/4 full but no other faults.

Thanks for all the help obviously would have been very difficult to diagnose this without seeing car. Another case of it's often the simplest things.

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