Mind you if the arp sheets say to use there special lube which I have then really I cant do owt else can i?
just to confuse you more..

standard practise is to loctight threads, but lub heads..
that includes headbolts. a little copperslip under the heads to stop them "catching" as you do them up nice and tight
its annoying because my nature say loctite them!

ARP say use there ultra torque assembly lube which I have.

I have taken apart about 3 rv8 engine now with oil on the main cap bolts, and it says to oil them in the manual doesnt it? what am I missing?
james out of interest you left and right you wrote on the pistons, was that stanting facing the water pump end?

Just reading about oil spurt holes and hoping I got them facing upward!
lol, yeah I saw em but took no notice as no mention of them having to face anywhere in the manual :( better check I guess
well if you wanted proof God exists than that was it, I was sure james that where you had written right hand I had put in as if facing the water pump end.

walked out there praying and hey presto it was the other way round and all holes are in there lined up perfect! :D

I take it when you put the shells in for sizing they were int he right place ready to fit?

funny how some were narrower than the rods, I wondered if its for the oil? also were the little squirt holes in the shells already cut in or did you do it? they looked home done lol

Thanks mate
lube them considering they sound like they are at the limit of bolt , with std v8 parts i havent found and issue
and you thought the under head chamfer clearance looked ok when you saw them mate?

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