the 5k was for serious work on very very large commecial kit.....was a bit steep..


Right made the horizontal measure of the block/caps with a shoddy depth gauge the verniered it.

Hey ho this is what we have. Tell me if its out of round too much gents.

PS I am sure this will throw my two columns out when I post but you guys know the difference between H and V

Yeah, sorted it.

Gave it all more of a clean and used the second set of shells that were made this year not the NOS ones and its in at 110ftlbs and turns lovely :D

Having time to work on it helps too :p
it just needs putting together really, cranks in and all the bits are ready to assemble I think. Still waiting for a cam button from v8 tuner, they never seem to be open or answer when I ring. If I get a chance I will get cracking on it next week.

woke up this morning wondering if in the rush of drying sealant I put the raer crank oil seal in the right way round. when its in and your looking at the outside back of the block you can only see solid orange of the seal, not the spring inside it right?
Right gents, a bit of guidance on how to space out the ring gaps please!

They have the one piece oil control rings btw
press ring down about 1/3 of the way down the bore its going to be fitted to ,keep rings the right way up when refitting ,when fitting pistons space all gaps evenly but none on thrust side
thanks mark, Ihave kinda gapped them (as much as I dare as I dont want to break them all getting the bottom ones off.

I was really asking about spacing them out when fitting the pistons.

so non on the thrust side, do you mean the outboard side of block?

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