
Well-Known Member
Hi all, it's been a while...
I have an issue with the car which i have had since i have had it but i have had much bigger fish to fry but i have a clunk or a knock when first taking up drive after slowing down as if the propshaft mount is loose, engine mount, worn diff etc.

It sounds more towards the rear of the car to me but i could be wrong.

I replaced the upper and lower hub bushes and track rods in the rear in december but its been doing it since i got it.

Its basically fine when its driving, let throttle off, nothing, put throttle back on and get a 'Clunk'

Any obvious places to look or ideas much appreciated
probably not the gearbox... sounds like a worn bushing

i changed the upper and lower hub bushes at the rear, and track rods at rear, what other bushes back there that could be the culprit. it does feel like a bush, it just feels like there is backlash or play in the drivetrain. it reminds me of my old mini when the engine mount was shot and the engine used to rock back and forwards with a clunk.
the engine did look pretty floppy when we had the box out?
Hi all, it's been a while...
I have an issue with the car which i have had since i have had it but i have had much bigger fish to fry but i have a clunk or a knock when first taking up drive after slowing down as if the propshaft mount is loose, engine mount, worn diff etc.

It sounds more towards the rear of the car to me but i could be wrong.

I replaced the upper and lower hub bushes and track rods in the rear in december but its been doing it since i got it.

Its basically fine when its driving, let throttle off, nothing, put throttle back on and get a 'Clunk'

Any obvious places to look or ideas much appreciated

Hi, has the prop shaft recall been done ???
How many miles has it done ??? Gears Backlash
bottom bushes ????
Hi, has the prop shaft recall been done ???
How many miles has it done ??? Gears Backlash
bottom bushes ????

112k miles, front diff recall carried out if thats the one you mean, bottom rear and top rear hub bushes done, gears back lash i am guessing in the transfer box, what other bushes at the rear are common, but then my car seems to be anything but common, well saying that it has had all the common faults and also most of the uncommon faults as well..

it may be a case of the stethoscope or even a mini camera attached to a laptop with a mic and drive around and see what i see underneath from the passenger seat of course or just record and watch back
Rear Propshaft bearings have been known to wear allowing the rear prop to float around - trouble is, it is above the Fuel Tank...

As Keith says above, check your UJ's first....
Rear Propshaft bearings have been known to wear allowing the rear prop to float around - trouble is, it is above the Fuel Tank...

As Keith says above, check your UJ's first....

cheers saint,long time no,um, type..

i'll have a lay under it later, ive also bought a very cheap webcam with led lights and mic along with some extension cables so i can cable tie it to the underside of the car and drive around with it connected to my laptop to record whats going on to look back at when i stop.
worth a giggle..
have you got a website for range rovers, think i stumbled across something the other day?
cheers saint,long time no,um, type..

i'll have a lay under it later, ive also bought a very cheap webcam with led lights and mic along with some extension cables so i can cable tie it to the underside of the car and drive around with it connected to my laptop to record whats going on to look back at when i stop.
worth a giggle..
have you got a website for range rovers, think i stumbled across something the other day?

interesting record it & post it;)
I reckon it is the drive shaft. My one was replaced by the previous owners after the same symptoms. Or diff oil needs replacing?
Is there any oil in the diffs?

we changed the oil in the diffs when we rebuilt the transmission late last year, did have a strange situation of the oil from the front diff coming out the overflow by the top of the engine but i put this down to over filling as i think i gathered from the TSB that the method of filling the oil until it comes out the filler hole isnt correct and the quantity should be measured out and then filled.

i should really drain it and refill to see how much comes out

i have had the clunk since i have had it. The propshaft would ring true with the noise and free play feel
what is the donut and do i have one?
could this be the culprit? the rubber mounts either side of the rear mount for the transfer box seemed a bit loose so i set up the camera to record the transfer box in a few different positions while i drove around the block replicating the clunk by accelerating harshly and letting off and repeating. there is an internal mounting that i have circled. the rubber spacers either side are over £100 each but the main mount in the middle is about £50
the videos are linked below. the bolt through the middle is tight.
i did make a video of the front left engine mount which seemed ok. the video is of the mounting and you can see the side rubbers that are arrowed in the pic below

parts list.JPG

this video doesnt do much until about 45 seconds in?

Untitled_0007_zps664cb96d.mp4 Video by holidaychicken | Photobucket

didnt know if this much movement is normal?
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