(Do I just click on 'Upload a File' to upload a photo )
Yep - no need for external carp like boto phucket - the LZ server is more than up to the job
(Do I just click on 'Upload a File' to upload a photo )
The throttle linkage seems to be OK (to my untrained eye). I've pinged it a few times and it seems to return to position OK.
Yep - no need for external carp like boto phucket - the LZ server is more than up to the job
Oh - was hoping for an easy fix for you.... but pics would confirm
I would take the cover of just above the linkage with the 4 flat head screws. Then post a pic of the inside now you have your camera finger working. See if it is all corroded or clean and working properly.
When you open it up do NOT piddle about with anything without marking everything so it can go back together in the same orientation. And be gentle with the diaphram.Thanks.
I'll open it up tomorrow and take some pics.
Cheers... and Happy New Year's Eve.