
Now the mornings are getting colder. I am noticing the fact my heaters aren't working (at all). And pretty much shivering my ass off for the 1hr + drive to work.
Can someone help please.
I am running with no thermo to try stop it blowing up again, but even after 20miles of doing 75mph the heating is only Luke warm (that is being nice to it).

Is there a simple fix?
Don't think it will ever get hot with stat out. Iirc water circulates round cyl head pump and heater matrix only until stat opens allowing water to pass through rad to be cooled.

Did heater get hot before you took stat out? Why remove stat what do you mean by blown up ?
I only had it a day before the he'd gasket went and warped the head. The previous owner said it could be a faulty thermo and to take it out. After the £800 to get the engine rebuilt. I never put a new one in.
I only had it a day before the he'd gasket went and warped the head. The previous owner said it could be a faulty thermo and to take it out. After the £800 to get the engine rebuilt. I never put a new one in.

I've been through the same myself buddy but did it myself so only paid about
£400 for new head and all bolts gaskets etc... possibly like you I am now over paranoid in fact im a bit ocd about my coolant system.

My heater normally starts to gets warm within 4-8 miles at 30,40,50 mph. If it doesn't I panic. A cold heater can be a sign of an airlock, low coolant level, blocked matrix, Hgf or pump failure. Problem is without a stat in how would you tell, you get no warning of imminent danger you cant really tell if pump is working or not. I would fit one asap

I would put an oem stat in and run up to temp to check it opens correctly(top hose hot) after flushing rad and heater matrix to check for blockages and bleeding very very carefully.

When your new head was done was pump, p gasket or anything else checked.
I believe a HG failure is normally a symptom/by product of some other fault.
I know yours was the stat but I would double check everything after paying out all that cash.

If you only had it a day it could suggest the fault was warped/cracked head already and just made to run right for the sale to you ?? Just saying.
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I took it to famous 4 in Louth to be done. They checked all the plumbing aswel. And that came back alright.
I only had it a day before the he'd gasket went and warped the head. The previous owner said it could be a faulty thermo and to take it out. After the £800 to get the engine rebuilt. I never put a new one in.

why dont you test a new thermostat in a pan of boiled water, you wont do the engine much good or much for cabin warmth with thermostat missing, 3ootdi head ghaskets can go for many faults not least just age and too many thermal cycles
I've got a similar problem with the heaters blowing luke warm , So this weekend I'm going to fit a new water pump as mine is getting noisy. New thermostat & flush out the system with my jet wash.
Now the mornings are getting colder. I am noticing the fact my heaters aren't working (at all). And pretty much shivering my ass off for the 1hr + drive to work.
Can someone help please.
I am running with no thermo to try stop it blowing up again, but even after 20miles of doing 75mph the heating is only Luke warm (that is being nice to it).

Is there a simple fix?

Fit a good working 88°C stat (not a cheapo) and remove the jiggle pin from it to allow a small flow at all times and help it bleed, also the jiggle pin should be at the top.

If your engine overheats with a properly functioning stat then I would be more concerned about why rather than trying to avoid it getting hot enough to do it again.

I run my 300tdi year round with a standard stat, jiggle pin removed and drilled out slightly with no fan whatsoever. Motorway traffic, towing - no issues. If it was a super hot day and I was stuck in traffic I'd open the windows and run the heater full - not go to that point yet.
Hello guys iam new her i tried to find topic whit my problem but whit no luck
And i cant post new topic but i hope ther i can get answer :)

I have problem whit my disco 93 2,5 tdi
Problem start bifore few days
I drive him on road and sudenly heating stop working whay i dont know ?
When i change speed of fun nothing hepend fun dont work
But when i turn AC on fun work but only cool air cam out no heating wher is problem and what is problem
And one more thing i think when i turn on heating i think samthing burn iam not so sur but i think whit AC nothing burn

Sory for my bad english ;)

And gew more things
I buy this car before then days car is park about 3 years and nobody drive him
He first work on 3 clinders now work on all when i change i dont now how to say on english wher fuel go in cilimdrr
And turbo didnt work after sam drive he start to work
And when i try to turn off engine on key he didnt turn off but i repair that i hope hehehhe
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Have you checked the fuses, under the steering wheel. Loads of stuff didn't work on mine when i bought it. Most of the fuses were blown or missing.
All seems well now.
Yes i check all them for fan is "A8" and c6 and 8 i think this 2
Not so sure but all fuses work ok
How much interior fans have discovery i found two under passanger foots
I found 2 small where is foots of passanger hmm then i need to find two more :( dash out ooooooo
I removed the stat from one of my old 306 turbo diesels after doing 2 hgs (they were known for it) and i remember how cold it was in there the condensation on the inside of the screen would sometimes freeze when it got realy cold !

Not recommended as the engine will never get up to temp in winter and the oil wont do as much to stop engine wear at lower temps
I remove dash bord and found one more vent

When i plug him on batery he work litle hard but work
Then i put on controls of speed on fan i put wd40 sprey and he start working in tird gear
But first two dont work is it truble in controls of speed for fan or is samthing else?

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