
Left the LRO site ages ago to join this mad house because LRO was full of sanctimonous know (Feck) alls. Have had no reason to ever visit it since.
There is a far better class of slaggers on here anyway, who are not afraid to call a spade a shovel !!!
There is a proper way to promote one's services whether it's for business or a few beer tokens. At least this site looks after the "Newbies" and guides them through their problems without any signs of "Superiority" There aren't any Gods on here :praise: jsut a bunch of people willing to help without looking for medals.
I'll see if I can sort a big rusty washer on a bit of string out for ya Sirus and bring it over next week. We can have the presentation at Pardoes:beer2::beer2::beer2::beer2::beer2::beer2::beer2:

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