[JP];749406 said:
A picture is not really good, but the pic below.. would you guys go in with diff locks on?

Because I kept going back and forwards just on highs and almost with no accelaration, just gently accelarating when I could feel I was going over a slightly higher bump..

Sounds like your tires have helped you out so far, but as jai mentioned there is the risk of damaging ya centre diff if it aint locked.I would have used the diff lock on the pic above,personally.others might have just used their right foot!
[JP];749406 said:
A picture is not really good, but the pic below.. would you guys go in with diff locks on?

Because I kept going back and forwards just on highs and almost with no accelaration, just gently accelarating when I could feel I was going over a slightly higher bump..


Knowing that area where you are YES I would use difflocks.:p
goonarmy, when you say "is the risk of damaging ya centre diff if it aint locked"...
would this risk of damaging happen when the wheels start sliping, right?
if that's the case, then if I stop accelarating and engage diff lock, then would it be ok and no damage would have been done?

and yes, you are right, and was what I said before, the tyres just dig through everything... therefore why I go in highs only, hoping to get stuck somewhere, so that then I have something that I can compare to, so I know next time where to go in with diff locks already on
Well In the pic above Me personally, I would have difflock (Not difflocks) engaged and in Low range 2nd or mabe 3rd which is about 1st gear high low revs ish. Even driving on the harder looking stuff probably would be in Low range as I like driving slowly and hearing the suspension work over each bump. When I leave tarmac/asphalt I usually put the difflock in. If I am on an unknown Greenlane and usually 2nd low difflock engaged til I suss out the lane unless its likley to cause damage. If I know the lane and ground conditions and they are good I may stick to high range open centre But only if I know the lane and ground conditions are good. I somtimes in the wet on gravel or compacted mud, run high range difflock engaged as the likley hood of slippage is not quite high but your tyres will certainly slip before the center diff gets wound up.

Transmission wind up is possible and can damage your trans (although I have never seen antrans damaged due to only trans wind up). I doubt even driving on your Insa's on tarmac for a few miles you would do much damage due to the lack of on road Grip you have the tyres would probably squeel and make noises at you and it wont do your transferbox any good but I doubt it would damage it. The only answer is dis engage difflock and either: Tur tight circles til the centre diff unlocks. I usually find an old roadside verg that trucks have already flattened and drive slowly up it on 2 wheels and accelerate which usually does the trick. But only if its not going to cause damage to the verge.

As for them mud hole Defo in Difflock! Jai
JP Its far better to engage difflock well before you get into trouble it means a few things:

1. You are all set and need not to mess about with the transfer gear leaver when going over the terrain,

2. It stops any Transmission damage due to slipping as it is locked. (You may not even notice a difference in wheel speeds or axle speeds, but there will certainly be some especially in that mud hole with center diff open IMO.

3 You can keep your momentum through the bad terrain and continue without stopping to engage difflocks.

JP if you wanna get stuck come and do a comp. You are welcome anytime. The only thing with Greenlaning is just that, its green laning the chances of getting stuck are not great and the "green PC part of me says" thats the way it is to enable us to continue to use our RoW. If you want to test your Vehicle or driving skills come with us to Whaddon sometime. There you will get stuck. Unimogs have been stuck there. Its fun and aslong as you check whats in front of you you will be ok. and honestly you are welcome anytime. Jai
I'm not here to slag you off, I don't get a thril out of saying who is right or wrong. Just trying to help you out and possibly save you a Transfer box out job. Jai
Actually Ratty showed us that when we were in Salisbury I got through the mud run and lifted off to early and got stuck off to the bottom right of th epic as I read the terrain badly I thought I was out of anything that would stop me and I got towed out. second time I made it. Jai
[JP];749283 said:
I've tried! but just ended up like this and the wheel still touching the ground..hehehe


And this one is coming out of some very muddy stuff!

That ain't muddy, that's just a puddle.:D

Come to Whaddon, like Jai says, we'll get you stuck.

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Probably not! Aye. I suck at driving Off road! I think I'm gonna take up tarmack racing.

I think we done bloody brilliant on our last recovery mission considering the unimog snapped a rated shackel sunk and gave up! And we just reversed up th the disco and dragged him out. Glad me difflock was workin as per it should think thet made a huge difference when we were dragging them oot. I think our skills have been more than tested of late. Jai
Here's a guy who'd never been stuck before, till he came out with me yesterday.:D


I drove though that unaided I might add.:cool:

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