
New Member
Hi All,
Had my defender coming up a year now and, on the whole, the old girl is going well. Naturally, like we all do, I want to keep her this way so looking for advice.

What is everyone's chosen periodical maintenance regime?

I'm talking grease nipple top ups, checks for play in UJ's, checks elsewhere, anything you do periodically to keep the wolf from the door.

Follow the manual old bean. Regular oil changes and check fluids (engine transmission and diffs) on the regs. Get an electronic dot 4 moisture checker and change when bad.
Thanks payydg...annoyingly (not practically only from this point of view) mine is a disco conversion and manual is 19J engine .
You got any idea on service intervals?

Other than the diffs, transmission and engine oils, do you recommend and periodical stuff on any of the UJ's / drivetrain from tranny to wheels?
Grease props and check wheel beairngs for play bi monthly
Engine oil and all filters 5k or annually, new alt and pas belt as well as they wear fast, keep the old ones under the bonnet as get you home spares.
Tappets annually
Trans oils bi annually along with brake fluid

Cambelt as soon as you can and then every 70k or something like that, for most people its a one time only job.
Service schedules:

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Stick to those and all will be well. Depending on your mileage you may bring things forward as suggested above, but never delay beyond those intervals. My engine oil/filter needs changed every two months which is a pain, but the engine is still in good fettle after 345k so it works :)
I do about 4000miles per year and I do:

Engine oil and filter yearly

Gearboxes and axles yearly - I off-road so worry about contamination

Brake fluid change every 2 years

Coolant every 2 years

PAS fluid as needed tbh

Grease everything I can as often as I can, at least every few months and after every time I take it off road

Wheels bearings I check regularly (anytime I have it up on a jack) and repack with grease again as needed

Air filter changed yearly

Tappets yearly

Fuel filter yearly and drain sediment bowl

Cavity wax every 3 years

I check all the fluids levels monthly or before a long drive and my lights aswell.

I do all this on a rolling schedule, fluids first half of the year and the mechanicals etc (bearings and tappets) in the last half.

This is roughly my schedule but I do alter it depending on how i have driven it or how often etc. I haven’t done much off-roading since my last gearbox and axle fluids change so may leave those an extra 6 months etc. I keep a track of it all in a notebook.

I have not read what the recommended intervals are tbh, and things like greasing door hinges I do when I remember tbh.

Mine is garaged and I have a small white board I write ‘pending jobs’ on
Thank you very much all that's awesome. Given me plenty of things to do!

@lynall, got the cambelt done recently along with water pump whilst it was all off so ticked that big one off.

@flat wish my garage was tall enough for Landy to fit, love the whiteboard idea! Sounds like the dream!

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