Can you verify which vehicle you have. You say 2006 in the post , but your profile page says evoque. It can't be both. If it's a 2016 ejoke, then is it not still in warranty. If it is a Range Rover 2006, then is it a Sport or L322.
These details will help people help you.
How much is that to fix :-(

That depends on , can you do the work yourself, do you have a specialist independent you can use, or do you use the stealer.
Also, guessing at what might be wrong is going to have you chasing your tail. Get it checked.

Any answers given are based on the guess work that you have a Range Rover, not an ejoke.

My Range Rover 2006 had an intermittent Suspension Fault message however the passenger side has now started to drop and the lights on dial on the panel go out after about 4 minutes, i di get a chance to raise it again before it does that but it drops again when i am driving, not all the time but sometimes.

I have just spent 2400 getting the Gear Box reconditioned so was hoping your advice in this post would be an option other than me spending more money

I was told when i bought the car there was a brand new pump put in the car but starting to think the guy saw us coming :-(

Just out of curiosity, who did your re-con?
I had to get the Gear Box reconditioned becasue it ground to a halt on the motorway i had to coast to the side of the road and call the AA, the car woudl only reverse i got towed to a garage who ran diagnostics but could not find anything so called a specialt who said Gear Box ( i seen a similiar issue on here ) it was then taken to a Transmissions place who said it was done in and also needed some oil pipe or something I have the paper work at home or could give you exact faults

I bought it to two a horse box that carries two very large horses, i had to get a tow bar on it as well as get something doen with a pipe that was causing it to blow smoke out the exhaust

I love it but it's costing me a fortune
I had to get the Gear Box reconditioned becasue it ground to a halt on the motorway i had to coast to the side of the road and call the AA, the car woudl only reverse i got towed to a garage who ran diagnostics but could not find anything so called a specialt who said Gear Box ( i seen a similiar issue on here ) it was then taken to a Transmissions place who said it was done in and also needed some oil pipe or something I have the paper work at home or could give you exact faults

Ummmm I said 'who'. :)
Another question...... will i be ok to drive the car with this suspension issue? It goes in to get fixed on Monday?

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