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Hi Guys have a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Vouge has Alpine head unit and nav and 6 disc changer in the glove box been having problems with no sound from the speakers. I know these do have problems with the amplifiers sometimes. The car has been to a supposed Land Rover specialist!! who said it is the head unit. So ordered another head unit £279 stripped the dash fitted the new unit exacly the same!!. So I have another Range Rover here same year and model fiitted the amp from the non working car the the working one and everything works fine so know the amp or head unit are good. When I press the left hand power button it does not turn on and can not select radio or cd as if no power is going to the head unit to power it on but the monitor does turn on. This is the the same with both head units. Any Ideas guy where I should be looking from here.

Here is a photo of when the head unit is on with the ignition on I notice the 3 waves next to where it says thursday this is not on the working cars unit so this might be something to do with it. I have checked all fueses and so on.


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check inside the amp connections - sometimes one or more of the pins have snapped or some corrosion can get on the pins adn block the flow. A simple wire brush clean adn you're good!
Hi guys thanks for the feedback I have started stripping some more of this car down. It turns out there are two amplifiers! one big black one in the n/s rear quarter. Well I unbolted the black one and took all of the plastic covering in the n/s and there is a second amplifier hidden in there. This was a harman/Becker unit. Looks like water had got in there some how so spot on meaty! I have swapped the units and all is good. I will take the unit apart tomorrow and try and repair it. As a note to any one who has this type of problem. The radio/head unit , black rear amplifier and harman/Becker amplifier none of them are coded to the car do can be swapped.
Whilst the bag stopped water from above, it didn't stop condensation forming inside the bag from below!!
Whilst the bag stopped water from above, it didn't stop condensation forming inside the bag from below!!
In fact if the water is still getting in the plastic agravates the condensation problem.
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Thanks for this as I just got the same problem however I wanted to ask there is an aux channel on the tv tuner is there anyway of tapping in to it?
In fact if the water is still getting in the plastic agravates the condensation problem.

Yep, if you plastic bag anything you really need to throw a bag of Silica Gel in there too!
Check the 8 x bolts (4 each side) where the rear bumper/crash bar come through the rear panel - water can come through from the outside (capillary action) and drip into the where the amps are - the plastic bag solution is treating the symptoms and not curing the actual problem - silica gel is only good at absorbing low levels of moisture,


This has happen to my 2007 Range Rover,I filled up the washer bottle,drop the bonnet,went to drive off no sound from the stero,sat Nav nothing. Started to freak out! Checked the fuses in the glove box,one of the fuses had come out! Since then I gently close the bonnet!

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