
New Member
I have started having problems with my alarm going off everytime I lock the car with the button on the key. It almost instantly goes off once it has locked. I have found that by using the key in the door lock allows me to lock the car without putting the alarm on.

What has suddenly gone wrong with it now.....this car has been one thing after another. Hope this is an easier fix than the others....

Thanks for any advise guys
Sounds as if the volumetric sensor within the vehicle on the head lining at the side might be faulty which covers interior protection

The interior protection is only switched on if you use the remote control.

If you use the key to lock the doors then only the doors, boot and bonnet are covered.


Using the handset:
Interior space protection is activated
automatically whenever the remote handset is
used to set the alarm and can ONLY be
deactivated with the handset.
Key operation:
Using the key will NOT activate (or deactivate)
interior space protection.
I have just started having the same symptoms as the OP. I unhooked the internal movement sensor and it looked fine, no water ingress or corrosion on the wiring connector.

All 5 doors and bonnet are closing correctly, can someone please advise what should be checked next or what the cure is ?

Are the "doors closed correctly" sensors/ plungers inside the door panelling ?

Ultra-sonic sensors can go over sensitive and be faulty like any other sensor. Put some tape over the send receive elements and then the carry on locking with the remote as normal or for testing lock with the key and unlock with the remote. If you still have problems then, it's not the sensor caursing them.
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I disconnected the internal movement sensor and the alarm ( when superlocked with the fob ) still sets itself off.

Can anyone please advise what should be checked next or do I have to just live with locking the car by the key ?

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