
evening all, on the way home from work tonight i noticed a couple of drips of water from my rear veiw mirror/interior light surround so i decided to check the sunroof seals first but hey electric sunroof wont budge, i can hear clicking but no movement at all.if any of you landie geniuses has any ideas i would be very grateful.
Do a search...loads on here bout leaky sunroofs.

If you want them open, do it manually. Remove small cover next to switch and wind them open with a ratchet. From memory I think it's an allen socket.
i had the same problem all i did was buy some clear bathroom slilcone and put around the sun roof between the plastic and the metal roof,thats where most leak from and now can still use the sunroofs and no leaks
There is a cracking thread on here on how to remove and clean out the motor it took me ( and I am a complete buffoon ) about 30 mins and hey presto the sunroof works.
It also explains how to clean out the sunroof drains although as I said I am a complete buffoon and still haven't managed to do this,
Hope this helps
Many thanks to the fountains of knowledge for such a quick response, even the mrs thinks your solid gold.Now if it would only stop bloody raining i could put your advise into practice!

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