
New Member
In response to the prob on my 2.5, is this the slowest car in the world ?, I had noticed that it seemes to take for ever to get 0-40, once there it cruises fantastic all day, but its the getting there, hell, I could read a damm book before it hits 40mph, - is this a generalised feeling with the 2.5 bmw auto engine OR perhaps an indication of another fault / problem that may be looming in the background ?

Having not driven any of these before obviously, however, now I think that I may have been more impressed by the petrol version, (mpg was the big influence tho).

Thanks guys for all your assistance in reference to my last problem.
That's what gives the low mpg figures, the near constant acceleration of a 2+ ton car, especially in urban areas getting up to 30-40mph all the time.

Best performance is gained from keeping it in good shape, staying on top of servicing, clean out your intercooler, and fitting a power box.
I think the word I saw come up again and again was 'Gutless'

Swayed me towards the V8. Having said that, 15mpg is hard to live with as well. All depends which is more important power or fuel consuption.
Please excuse ignorance on these cars, this "power box", what is it, where do I find one and any idea on cost / fitting..............Many thanks, really appreciated
you can get various makes but it seems to me the psi box is quite popular.you,ll see them on ebay for £330.fitting is supposed to be a piece of p#ss a diy job by all accounts.there supposed to completely change the car and make it more economical.can,t be bad.top of my birthday prezzie list:D
personally i have a 2.5 DSE with the ECU remapped and an uprated intercooler and i can get the back wheels kicking out when accelerating from the end of my drive way when pulling off on the way out. and thats on tarmac. i hear people talkin all the time about how slow it is. i find it a good drive but its not face distortangly fast but i find it good for overtaking and long drives. great driving motor every journey feels like an epic adventure (maybe cos im always wondering if im gonna make my destination!!!)
I have just been through all this - I wondered what I had let myself in for.
However having gone to a competent and knowledgeable LandyMan (Andy at ADS Commercials in Nth Baddesly), parting with £68 + VAT and a couple of squid fitting, the replacement of the Turbo Boost sensor made the most massive difference - awesome!
I then opted for a chip later and that seems even more awesome - spinning wheels on a DSE!

So would suggest before you spend any more money, you get the boost sensor checked out!
All the best
it's next to the diesel filter, with a small 3 pin plug and a braided hose aka map sensor

You mean the manifold absolute pressure sensor then. I take it yours was goosed and fitting a new one made car run as it should.
On the P38 DSE auto being a slug, not so sure anymore.

Been test driving a few people carriers lately to replace the wifes Prius before offspring no.3 arrives. I haven't driven a 'normal' car in a long time, all my work driving being in 4x4's of various makes which by their nature are all very torquey diesels and the Prius being a deceptively fast mover especially for passing out up to 80mph. Everytime I go for a testdrive and then get back into the Rangie it feels really quick.
Mine is chipped admittedly but once your driving style adapts to the low torque below 1800revs these things really do move.
I've often said that I reckon there is very little point to point between my P38 and my RRC 3.9. The V8 has all that delicious low rev torque totally lacking in the DSE but once the turbo comes on song from 2000 to 3000 the P38 will easily hold the RRC.
Yes, it became a totally different car! I( then went on to have a small chip added, which now makes the beast run as well as an older 3.9 (Injected) Classic I had - loads of ooomph and wheelspin if I want it - however now I know it will spin the wheels - shant do it again! Scorpions cost many shillings :)
Yes, it became a totally different car! I( then went on to have a small chip added, which now makes the beast run as well as an older 3.9 (Injected) Classic I had - loads of ooomph and wheelspin if I want it - however now I know it will spin the wheels - shant do it again! Scorpions cost many shillings :)

Nice one. But you mention £68.00. Cannot find one listed anywhere, but seems a lot of dosh for something so small.
I agree - but whatever it is (and you described it exactly in your earlier mail) apparantly controls how the turbo operates. It does make a heck of a lot of difference for sure!
On a journey before it, I could not keep the car at 70 on a straight flat motorway...
I agree - but whatever it is (and you described it exactly in your earlier mail) apparantly controls how the turbo operates. It does make a heck of a lot of difference for sure!
On a journey before it, I could not keep the car at 70 on a straight flat motorway...

It actually has nothing to do with operation of turbo. It measures the pressure of air in the manifold and sends this info to the ECU. The ECU then knows how much fuel to inject to maintain best combustion ratio. About 14 to 1. If for instance you have 20psi in manifold and the sensor thinks there is only ambient pressure 14.7 psi, it will not inject enough fuel for the amount of air.

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