Why would that ad come up for you
I did that, wasn't overly keen on more apps to open more apps...
I just ignore the Ad's now..
Usually it's random crap because I haven't agreed at some point to have adverts trailered to my web usage... Its all crap layered upon crap... Pretty much like modern cars really...:rolleyes:
I did that, wasn't overly keen on more apps to open more apps...
I just ignore the Ad's now..
Usually it's random crap because I haven't agreed at some point to have adverts trailered to my web usage... Its all crap layered upon crap... Pretty much like modern cars really...:rolleyes:
That's what comes of using Farcebook and the like:rolleyes:
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Oh why, oh why are phones just not for phone calls. No conversation any more, just people sat pushing bloody buttons on their phones.

Cause they're using a hand held device that has a phone and a camera attached to it but not using the phone attachment...

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