I have a 19j engine which appeared to run fine until i noticed that there was an oil leak at the back of the head gasket. I removed the head to find that all 4 pistons are cracked. My question is, should i replace the pistons - if so is it difficult and any idea of how much it would cost vs try and find a 200tdi to install?

any guidance welcome :)
if head isnt cracked between the valves the best fix would be 4 over size pistons and a rebore likely around 300 but obviously theres more to it ,would you be doing the rebuild or wanting someone to recon yours
No Cracks between the valves, only on the hot spots - how difficult is the rebuild? never done one before..... or would i be better to try and find someone to do it
The very first engine I rebuilt was one of them, never done one before and it turned out great just followed the Haynes manual.
Had some help off my local indy with the lending of timing tools and the big socket for the crank bolt though.
Twas 16 yrs ago so can't remember much but apart from the seals that go either side of the crank end blocks (fiddly), it was easy.
Remember it's not 2006 anymore, and there simply aren't loads of rusty 200tdi Discos just hanging around with good engines anymore. Those engines that are available will likely be very high mileage by now and could be equally knackered. Even 300tdi engines will all be 20 years old now at least. Far better now to keep an early 90 or 110 standard.

I'd suggest working with what you've got- take it out, take it apart and see what's broken. If it makes sense, fix it.
The quickest and cheapest fix is to fit new pistons, but if you go down the tdi route, don't discount the 300tdi engine, they are not particularly difficult to fit once you have sorted out the engine mounts.


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My last one ran for over a year, the cracking wasn't bad but bad enough for me to be concerned, eventually killed it by driving it into a pond and bending a rod. Sometimes the cracking isn't all the way through the crown.
My last one ran for over a year, the cracking wasn't bad but bad enough for me to be concerned, eventually killed it by driving it into a pond and bending a rod. Sometimes the cracking isn't all the way through the crown.
that can be true but equally that could be tomorrow when it blows through the piston leaving you stranded
they do , its rocker cover and sump that show signs of lack of servicing

Maybe OP will post Pic's when it's apart..

Then we can see the 1/2 inch of sludge and build up ;)

Mind you..

This was out of a 300tdi



'twas like cleaning out a chimney..

Gave the parts washer a work out..

Very simplistic, as was the car it came out of.. ;)

Maybe OP will post Pic's when it's apart..

Then we can see the 1/2 inch of sludge and build up ;)

Mind you..

This was out of a 300tdi



'twas like cleaning out a chimney..

Gave the parts washer a work out..

Very simplistic, as was the car it came out of.. ;)

a turbo diesel has higher combustion temps that cracks the pistons ,tdis have intercoolers but lots of carbon is usually an effect of egr

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