You appear to have a bad stop solenoid.
To verify it's the culprit , remove it .Careful with the piston & spring inside. Refit it without the innards & connect power supply, otherwise there will be fault code.
Now start & run the car. The ECU & the injection pump has some arrangement when the key turned to off position, it will shut the engine without the stop solenoid.
I have done this and ran the car for few weeks until I got the new solenoid.
You appear to have a bad stop solenoid.
To verify it's the culprit , remove it .Careful with the piston & spring inside. Refit it without the innards & connect power supply, otherwise there will be fault code.
Now start & run the car. The ECU & the injection pump has some arrangement when the key turned to off position, it will shut the engine without the stop solenoid.
I have done this and ran the car for few weeks until I got the new solenoid.

The stop solenoid is not used to stop the engine under normal running conditions, it is stopped by the ECU cutting fuel via the quantity servo. The stop solenoid is just a backup to this. Running the engine without an operating stop solenoid is not a very bright idea.
The stop solenoid is not used to stop the engine under normal running conditions, it is stopped by the ECU cutting fuel via the quantity servo. The stop solenoid is just a backup to this. Running the engine without an operating stop solenoid is not another very bright idea.
If the car runs with bypassed stop solanoid then obviously it was that! So then will go out and by a new one but untill I know what the cause is I'm not throwing money at it left right and centre buying bits after bits for no reason
If the car runs with bypassed stop solanoid then obviously it was that! So then will go out and by a new one but untill I know what the cause is I'm not throwing money at it left right and centre buying bits after bits for no reason
See post #5 do you have power at the solenoid when ignition on
Its bit of a hassle with intake manifold in place. But doable with an open ended wrench 23 mm or 24 mm , insert with slant. Take care it will slip .
Hi guys God this is dragging stop solanoid replaced and took for nice drive and cut out again oh this is getting tiring
Hello guys just to let you know still working away replaced wiring loom today an still the problem exists next I guess is fuel pump and then I honestly don't know

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