Right then another update after sorting through our servo problems.
a) the defender servo was way too big, there was no way at all it would clear the bonnet
b) We found a disco servo fits the tower but the reservoir on the cylinder is still too tall for the bonnet and as the master cylinder and servo had been outside for the best part of a year in the open we decided to get a series servo and master cylinder.
c) a series servo will bolt straight to the pedal tower, however the pedal itself needs modification and you still need to make a separate feed from the reservoir.
This post will just be basically how we got a series servo and master cylinder assembly to fit onto a defender brake pedal tower
1) When the servo is fitted to the tower as is, the pedal sits just a bit too far back so you wont get the full pedal travel. Thats not the main problem however, you may notice that both the servo and the pedal have a plate with a hole in and one of them needs to be a fork to fit the servo properly.
2) The tower was disassembled to get the pedal out. (the sharp eyed amongst you may notice that its the original series pedal welded on to the defender one, this is just to make it look better so it matches the other pedals

3) A Plate with a hole in is welded either side of the pedal to make a fork
4) this photo shows how the servo end fits inside the fork. A pin with a hole in the end for a split pin goes through the holes in the fork and servo fitting
and a photo showing the series pedal on the end once painted black
5) The tower can be reassembled with the pedal and the servo was then bolted to it
6) Master cylinder was bolted on and we found that although its a series servo, as its on a defender brake tower the wing still needs a bit of trimming for it to fit. This was carefully done with the grinder
7) As mentioned previously, the reservoir bottle still sits too high for the bonnet to clear. If you open the top of the reservoir on the new cylinder you will see a threaded pipe fitting which will need a 17mm spanner to remove. We got a pipe fitting with a thread one end and on the other end a fitting for a rubber hose to fit on to go in the threaded hole where the reservoir once sat. As the original reservoir bottle had a rubber hose fitting on it, this was cleaned and brough back into service by bolting it to the bracket by the clutch cylinder
8) the defender pedal tower does have a slight angled bit at the top which we thought was fine but when we tested the bonnet fit, we found it to be catching the bonnet, making it unable to sit properly. a dust sheet was put over the engine bay and this was cut off with the grinder
The wing was then bolted on and tonight we got the passenger wing on too
Its starting to look like a proper land rover again now