The electric RRC was in a recent edition of the LRO mag if I recall correctly... cost £35k to convert by a professional company. Too rich for my pockets I fear.
G'day Folks,

First time poster - virgin Land Rover owner.

I've just bought some rust and some crumpled Birmabright in the form of a right hand drive series 2a station wagon.

I'm proud (?) to say I've done everything you shouldn't when buying a Land Rover. I've ignored the buyer's guides and just bought the cheapest I could find. This is a big gamble. The seller reckons the chassis numbers are AWOL and that that's gonna make it difficult to register the thing for Dutch road use.

This could be fun.

This little project of mine is a bit of a mid life crisis "well I try it the hard way" for once. I'm well and truly fed up with paying top dollar (or euro) for something that is "good". Every "good" car I have ever bought has always been "not good": I always rip it to bits and end up with component parts anyway so I figured I wouldn't pay extra this time. So this time I found something that is at the other end of the spectrum of "good".

This could be an epic fail.

We'll see.

This thread is gonna show the blood guts and mess I'll be making in the land of windmills, tulips, water retaining devices and round cheese.

So here's the beast =>

View attachment 98273

View attachment 98274

It even came with a jam jar full of random bits!

View attachment 98275

Now I'm all set (as the Americans say)...
That'll all just buff out
There was a nicely done SIII in the States (West coast I think) - featured in one of the magazines more than a few years ago. Found this one, but it doesn't seem to be finished.

I've deliberately left space in my project for a 'qualifying' elec motor, although I'm not going to stray into that territory before it's on the road. By qualifying I like people to think extra oomph for that last tenth of a second, but actually I want to able to drive it in Central London, and if it'll do enough yards to earn the title hybrid, that's good enough.

I'm pretty sure that LZ's own rocket scientist is hybridising his six wheeler Disco too.
It's a historic vehicle, so you're free to spew whatever toxic fumes you like in Central London ;)

[at least that's how I was reading the exemptions to the toxic tax!]
Unfortunately not, it's based on an 1988 110, so a while to go before the age-related benefits kick in.
This will probably make me seem like a right newbie but I got this in the post today and was really impressed: I thought the folks here might appreciate it too...

(perhaps it is the little things that make you smile after all?)


Look it has a squeezy bit!

Gucci loctite bottle1.JPG

Gucci loctite bottle2.JPG

I've lost count of the number of times I've been under a car trying to wring the last drops of magic goop out of a rigid glue pot. I'm sure now I'll be able to shoot out loads in one go...
I thought I'd show that I can make a mess of other cars as well as series 2a Land Rovers (it must be a sickness) but I think I'm only happy when they're in bits...

1961 volvo pv544 just bought3.JPG

The paint work polished up nicely

1961 Volvo PV544 paint treatment5.JPG

But I need to chase the rust down so it got dismantled a little bit like the Land Rover

1961 Volvo pv544 front end removed1.jpg

Next week I should have some more space for welding - I will be welding Land Rover stuff along side the Volvo stuff - need to multi-task and crack on with this all now - it is no good - NO MORE TANGENTS!!!!!!

(It probably seems a bit mad to most but I reckon I need "the fear" to get me motivated again)
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem.
You've got two though - so there's probably no hope ;)
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem.
You've got two though - so there's probably no hope ;)
I've been floundering about for at least a year not getting stuff done. Things have to change - I need the fear
Oh dear - project fear doesn´t seem to be helping

1961 Volvo pv544 chassis almost stripped.JPG

I´ve got a feeling I´m going to be a bit busy with this ¨easy and quick¨ project for a bit.

Sorry for the break in transmission - something Land Rover is planned in the near future - when ever this near future arrives however is yet to be determined...
Isn't that always the way? When is anything on cars "quick and easy"? LOL ;) :D
I thought there was a lottery of car luck and that I would eventually benefit!

Oh well - it isn´t the end of the world - just a bit of a Land Rover related delay. To be honest I got a bit bored with it - needed a change - I hope to come back all enthusiastic and naive again (!)
I thought there was a lottery of car luck and that I would eventually benefit!

Oh well - it isn´t the end of the world - just a bit of a Land Rover related delay. To be honest I got a bit bored with it - needed a change - I hope to come back all enthusiastic and naive again (!)
I know what you mean. I used to restore old British motorbikes, well, at least I planned to restore them. I would spend ages stripping down some wreck, cleaning bits and tracking down missing bits. I always ran out of patience about three quarters of the way through. It was at about this stage that I realised yet again I had spent more money on the current project than it was going to be worth, not to mention running out of goodwill on the part of the wife and kids.

Well I guess this won't be much of a surprise to most of you but buying that Volvo was a really stupid thing to do. I'm really regretting it now. It is taking up far far too much of the precious Land Rover time!

I still keep a midnight eye on the bay of ee just in case a desirable bit for the Station Wagon surfaces as well as the Dutch Marktplaats site but that's as far as the Land Rovering goes at the moment. I still have plans and hope by the end of the summer to be able to get something Land Rover done...
I've been missing your updates on the Land Rover story, I thought you'd probably been subverted by the Ovlov :)
I've been missing your updates on the Land Rover story, I thought you'd probably been subverted by the Ovlov :)
Subverted? If only. I wish. It got worse than that =>

1961 Volvo pv544 first coat of ferpox epoxy1.JPG

Obsessive compulsive took hold and now I've got a little bit more work to do than was planned.

Normal Land Rover work will continue as soon as possible (!)
Still keeping my hand in - bit of midnight shopping recently =>

The price of series 2a / 2 / 1 spoked steering wheels on the bay of eee have gone a long way through the roof recently

The cost of getting the plastic rims is also not too too cheap - about 300 quid these days so I was happy to pick this up at a price that only brought a slight watering to my left eye...

1965 Series 2a station wagon replacement steering wheel.JPG

The spokes are in good nick

The rim is exactly as described in the advert: no cracks - no stickiness

It has probably been repainted (perhaps)

The hub needs a repaint but hey ho

1X Happy camper here in Holland today (!)

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