Removing the rear seats was a bit of a pain. The previous owner had managed to get most of the bolts out but there was one stuck on the front mounting plates that would not come off (on both sides). I decided to just drill out the rivets on the front support plates

1965 series 2a station wagon drilling out the rear seat supports1.JPG

1965 series 2a station wagon drilling out the rear seat supports2.JPG

Left hand side of the vehicle was so rusted it came away from the bottom support bracket.

1965 series 2a station wagon drilling out the rear seat supports3.JPG
It has been a long time since I've been drilling out rivets. I've forgotten how thereputic it can be!

After the rear seat supports I did the door seals on all of the doors.

1965 series 2a station wagon drilling off rivets for door seals.JPG

As well as the little panels just in front of the rear wheels above the sills. I knew it was a bit moth eaten behind - still now I can get to it a bit better

1965 series 2a station wagon damage in front of rear wheels lhs1.JPG

1965 series 2a station wagon damage in front of rear wheels lhs2.JPG
(Front) Bulkhead damage is pretty grim - though I'm sure some have seen worse!

The left hand side of the vehicle (passenger's side) is the worst =>

1965 series 2a station wagon front bulk head lhs damage1.JPG

Surprisingly the door pillar for the second row of doors is also pretty bad but on the other side of the vehicle (whereas the bulkhead on the rhs is a bit better than the lhs) =>

1965 series 2a station wagon second row door pillar bottom rhs1.JPG

And on the other side (inside)

1965 series 2a station wagon second row door pillar bottom rhs2.JPG
I've decided to carry on going around the front of the vehicle removing the body work as I go.

Struggled with the front grill bulkhead bit today. Not that it is technically difficult - just that everything was rusted solid - different sized bolts - some metric some not - pain in the arse really.

1965 series 2a front grill bulkhead removed.jpg

Damage on the ends of the chassis rails

1965 series 2a front chassis damage on lhs rail.jpg

1965 series 2a front chassis damage on rhs rail.jpg
Finally got both the wings off!

(Boy do I need electrickery in this work place of mine - could have used a grinder - would have been 1000 times quicker)

1965 series 2a station wagon finally both wings off.jpg
Still struggling with Granddad flat head screws random rusted bolts and nuts BUT =>

One floor is up!

I planned to get this done on day #1 - ho hum...

1965 series 2a one effing floor out.jpg
Strange: Looks like yesterday's post went AWOL.

Oh well - here it is again.

1965 series 2a station wagon hole in right hand chassis rail.jpg

I got the floor behind the front seats up at last.

Better view of the hole in the right hand chassis rail. Strange that this has rusted from the top...
Removal of the little roof windows went well =>

1965 series 2a station wagon safari top windows out.jpg

Strange how with the beading from the seal removed you could actually push the seal from the bottom up into the window recess! First time for everything.

I pulled all of this out =>

1965 series 2a station wagon under the front lead lining.jpg

As well as the front head lining so I could get to the funny little holders for the safari roof.

I also started to drill out the rivets on the safari roof so the two parts can be split.

1965 series 2a station wagon drilling out the rivets on the safari roof.jpg

It went well until I realised there are also rivets on the inside that need to be removed. There also seem to be some nuts and bolts on the back too...
Started to remove the main part of the roof as well. Got the B pillar on the right hand side of the vehicle out too.

1965 series 2a station wagon B pillar out1.jpg
1965 series 2a station wagon B pillar out2.jpg
1965 series 2a station wagon B pillar out3.jpg
Needed to speed up the progress a bit so I bought a little 76mm angle grinder. Cordless thing made by Bosch.

1965 series 2a station wagon helped by mini grinder.jpg

It doesn't cut as fast as a "real" 125mm angle grinder but it isn't bad. The batteries - as with all things battery powered at the moment - let it down a bit. A 2.5Ah battery seems to run down quite quickly. It is only a little 10.8 V machine...

...I wonder if there's a way of plugging in a wired power supply to have the thing as a corded machine? I only really wanted the small size cutting discs. A 125 / 115mm machine is often too big for tight spaces and you end up damaging more than you needed to fix in the first place.
So more to come still...

1965 series 2a station wagon roof off.jpg
1965 series 2a station wagon back windows also off.jpg

Took some time removing the wiring loom too

1965 series 2a station wagon wiring loom removed.jpg

All carefully labeled as you can see...
Pmsl. My loom came out like yours but I did take loads of photos that will no doubt not help at all. Is it just me that takes hundreds of pics and then finds the one bit I want to see is just out of shot in every pic?
Pmsl. My loom came out like yours but I did take loads of photos that will no doubt not help at all. Is it just me that takes hundreds of pics and then finds the one bit I want to see is just out of shot in every pic?
Yeah I've tried to take pictures of wires before - I couldn't be bothered this time. I'll just figure it all out later on. I'm going to replace the loom...
Ha just when I least expected it - a bit of progress

Got the left hand side sill out of the way. Needed to cut it out.

1965 series 2a station wagon lhs sill cut off.jpg

With this gone the removal of the last of the rear body work was a doddle.

1965 series 2a station wagon rear tub removed.jpg

The underside needs a bit of work

1965 series 2a station wagon rear tub underside needs a bit of work.jpg

And now it looks like this - getting there

1965 series 2a station wagon rear end of the chassis now in view just the bulhead left.jpg
The fuel tank came out in the end. That must be a bugger of a job to do with the body still on. Only four bolts but mine was stuck and needed some hammer encouragement.

Damage to the chassis isn't too too bad from the quick look and screwdriver attention I gave it today.

Right hand side of the vehicle in this post =>

1965 series 2a station wagon hole in right hand chassis rail.jpg
1965 series 2a station wagon plating on out rigger for the bulkhead behind the front seats rhs.jpg
1965 series 2a station wagon rust damage on chassis rhs close to front of rear spring hanger.jpg

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