you don't "need" 200tdi engine mounts but they do apparently control the engine vibes better at tickover, i've not experienced the difference to Series mounts myself so can't give a personal comparison

some folks use the defender rubber mounts which are again supposed to be an improvement (again no personal experience at present)

regardless of which mounts you use you'll need to obtain the chassis side as well as the engine side which means you'll need them cutting out of a scrap chassis (Series or 200tdi)

i'm not here to actually convince anyone to do anything in any particular way, i'm just giving options from what i've experienced and gleaned from others, i have spent an awful lot of time following other folks conversion threads whilst building my own motors which allowed me to spot the odd item/modification that i thought was good and then i incorporated it into my own motor.

i like simple so everything was done on a K.I.S.S. basis with minimal financial outlay as i like cheap toys
Also thinking a overdrive unit would be good, just they are a little pricey:rolleyes:

yes they are, but if you can afford one and it's good they're a worthwhile investment.

they allow you to split 3rd and 4th gears for hill work and all gears for town driving/lower speed limits

a little more information on overdrives, make sure the clutch sleeve teeth and mainshaft teeth are in good condition and polish them with "anti-scuff paste" (do NOT get it onto the bearing or bearing surfaces or you'll kill the bearing)

before fitting to your gearbox i also suggest you fill it with oil and leave it to sit in a tray for 24 hours (nose down) to see if any oil drains out through the front input gears, if it does you're going to want to strip it and fit new seals or you'll run the risk of the oil rapidly draining into the transfer box and cooking the o/d really quickly (already done that to one :()
I think I`ll wait until I`ve got a 200tdi before I look at overdrives,
I`ve had another go at starting BMC 2.2, she is on the point of firing but no joy so I`ll start getting her out of the chassis ready for selling or whatever next weekend

regards Chris
I've bought a 200tdi and gearbox for £450, picking it tomorrow.:D :tea:

I've also sand blasted one of my wheels at work, and sprayed a coat of primer on it, the second coat, under and top coat on tomorrow afternoon.

picces soon
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Hello folks, I`ve collected her from grantham and got her home !! :D weather was properly s**t !, the guys also let me cut the front 1/4 off the scrap disco chassis to use the mounting or to use as a template :D top fella's

Im right happy. Picces to follow soon :)

regards Chris






I've already split the gearbox as you can see for ease of unloading

What do you think ?

regards Chris
Ahhh :) better idea haha

keeping the turbo too then or is it becoming a di instead of a tdi ? Not read the whole thread yet
there's no real NEED for the disco engine mounts unless the original 2a mounts have already been cut off, although some folks DO fit them and claim a vibration reduction (i've no personal experience myself)

my engines sit on standard Series petrol engine mounts (round ones) with spacers to lift the engine a little more, the only time i suffer a little vibration is when the engine is idling, lift it just off idle and it smooths out nicely

others recommend genuine 90 mounts to assist kill the vibration (the one needs a little trimming with a slitting disc), these bolt on using standard Series chassis mounting points (again i've not fitted these myself as it was after i built my conversions that i found about them)

the bonus in my opinion of using standard mounts is it makes it a simple job of reverting to a standard engine should you wish to, or should a potential buyer wish to at a later date

anyway good luck
Doc, Im really not sure yet as to whether to have her as a TDI or a DI myself thinking TDI due to where I'll be using her the most (the hills and moors of North Yorkshire :D )

Now then Nitemare, the original mounts have gone when the BMC 2.2 was fitted, not sure what to do yet. Im just glad to have her home.

I've finished priming the wheel that`s off at the moment, I've painted the inside when the tyre goes satin black, I'll give it a coat of white undercoat and gloss tomorrow.




Regards Chris
I reckon TDi, think you need to modify the exhaust and you'll need to put a cooler in somewhere too but be nice
Doc, Yeah I will need to modify the exhaust front pipe, as the disco one is a bigger I.D, I've read somewhere about fitting the turbo without the cooler ? or have I dreamt this ?
hopefully going to get the BMC lump out tomorrow inbetween coursework and being nice to mum :rolleyes:
I wouldn't fit without a cooler, probably has been done but will be delivering superheated air to the inlet instead of cool dense air

I'm doing mine in between coursework too ;) done with electronics now so got a bit of time but also need to do my mechanics revision :(
I've only got till the 4th of april to finish, I should get there...... hopfully....... if I was'nt muckin about with landy's :rolleyes:
the daft thing is I could of finished months ago but no, me what do I do, go and a 109 hmmm priorities out the window
i wouldn't bother messing around modifying the old 2a exhaust pipe, build one from scratch using a minimum of 52mm bore pipe to the very end, no silencer required but you can fit one if you want it a little quieter

get yourself around the local kwikfits and sidestreet garages and scrounge as many sections as possible to cut up

do away with the casting that's bolted to the turbo and sort or make a flange to suit

the 200 turbo will hit the chassis, so being as you're already getting the welder out i'd just scallop a chunk out to clear and box it back in

clock the output of the compressor side upwards to clear the inner wing etc', all you need to do is drill two holes in the compressor casing and tap them to suit the placement of the wastgate actuator

i really would fit an intercooler being as you live in a hilly area to help keep temperatures under control

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