ok PRT thermostat has finally got here lol just need to find out how it fits, going to search for a how to now car appears to be ok so far having never owned a freelander before only rangerovers, was pleasantly surprised how comfortable it is nothing seems to faze it being tracks or rivers and beds it just sails over the lot
lol been searching since i posted and still not found a definetive answer, it appears it goes in the main (top hose) from engine to rad,and i think the other one goes to heater pipe however there is some mention of a t piece, but i think thats for the mg tf, still checking
everytime i think i hove foundit turns out to be an mgf!! or an elise, let you know how to if i find it , may just make up my own at this rate, got the basic theory flow worked out now , but putting it into practice wil take some careful thought i dont want to blow the new gasket by getting it wrong!
well the kit was expensive i thought and i got the prt for 15, so thought i could make up some suitable hoses, however as I didnt even bother looking at how to fit it, just assumed soemone would have done it i didnt look until it got here , doh!
I've got one on my MGF VVC. However it's at the front below the rad.
The Freelander kit comes with piping, hence the price. You did get the correct PRT for the K series engine? It should be grey or cream iirc. The black one isn't correct and won't open when needed.
Basically the PRT bypasses the rad core. This allows some circulation of coolant before the engine reaches temperature. You also need to remove the value from the normal stat, making sure the ring is left in place.

Here's the pipe layout.
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Hey thanks for that,did see a similar one but it siad cut most of the pipes off so ignored it lol can see now that i do need a t pice for the top hose to bypass, damnit lol
Hey thanks for that,did see a similar one but it siad cut most of the pipes off so ignored it lol can see now that i do need a t pice for the top hose to bypass, damnit lol
You do need a T piece for it to work. I used this exact diagram when I did the PRT mod on my MGF. It works fine on that.
thats somewhat as i was expecting! Thanks muchly, it how i worked it out but then saw the mgf system, and thought I had it wrong, lovely neat installation that, and anyone know the top hose diameter? i..found a t piece i think will work if it fits the top hose bore, if not its down to welding one up meself shame really,this has lovely spigots on it to hold the hose but im thinking its a little big,the actual t pice bit is smaller and confident it will fit, its just the ends, they appear at a glance to be the same size as the top hose OD , hoping not!

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