Why would you park there...?

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Well-Known Member
Norf Dorset
So, I went down to my local farm shop to get some bacon last Saturday. Itchy's handbrake is ineffective so it gets parked on the flat next to the shop. The other side of the yard is a car park big enough for half a dozen cars.

I left the shop and there was only one other car in the car park. I got in and texted my mate to let her know I was heading back with brekkie. Whilst texting I noticed a car coming down the track but paid it no mind.

Texting done I checked my mirrors and went to leave. I reversed into the car park but there was resistance. Not a bump but she just wouldn't go back. "Strange" I thought. Got out and had a look and found this...



Long story short, she rapidly became a royal pain in the @rse and called the police on 999 because I didn't have my insurance details on me (neither did she but "that's not relevant"). I left her my details and let her know that I won't be admitting responsibility. I wonder what my chances are..?
So, I went down to my local farm shop to get some bacon last Saturday. Itchy's handbrake is ineffective so it gets parked on the flat next to the shop. The other side of the yard is a car park big enough for half a dozen cars.

I left the shop and there was only one other car in the car park. I got in and texted my mate to let her know I was heading back with brekkie. Whilst texting I noticed a car coming down the track but paid it no mind.

Texting done I checked my mirrors and went to leave. I reversed into the car park but there was resistance. Not a bump but she just wouldn't go back. "Strange" I thought. Got out and had a look and found this...



Long story short, she rapidly became a royal pain in the @rse and called the police on 999 because I didn't have my insurance details on me (neither did she but "that's not relevant"). I left her my details and let her know that I won't be admitting responsibility. I wonder what my chances are..?

Well if you reversed into a parked car I'd say the chances of it not being your fault are non existent.
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"I left her my details and let her know that I won't be admitting responsibility. I wonder what my chances are..?"
Slim if anybody reads what you've written on a PUBLIC forum;)
So, I went down to my local farm shop to get some bacon last Saturday. Itchy's handbrake is ineffective so it gets parked on the flat next to the shop. The other side of the yard is a car park big enough for half a dozen cars.

I left the shop and there was only one other car in the car park. I got in and texted my mate to let her know I was heading back with brekkie. Whilst texting I noticed a car coming down the track but paid it no mind.

Texting done I checked my mirrors and went to leave. I reversed into the car park but there was resistance. Not a bump but she just wouldn't go back. "Strange" I thought. Got out and had a look and found this...



Long story short, she rapidly became a royal pain in the @rse and called the police on 999 because I didn't have my insurance details on me (neither did she but "that's not relevant"). I left her my details and let her know that I won't be admitting responsibility. I wonder what my chances are..?

police wouldnt be interested its not on the road, a similar thing happened to me in that someone ran into ny car ,they denied it and i couldnt prove it
Not much chance as you reversed into a parked car.

On a second note without seeing the rest of the car park Why wouldnt you park there.

And why havnt you fixed the handbrake if you know its fauty.
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I wish I had just driven off now. She saw me in the cab and not only parked right behind me but pulled up within 12" of the back of the Landy so there was no chance of seeing her. And when there was an empty car park a few yards away. Silly bint. If common sense was taken into account I'd stand a chance but as it is... Well, we'll see. I just want to make it a pain in the @rse for her because of her attitude.
Because some idiot in a Landrover might reverse without looking and hit you, obviously :)

Read the fred, you tit. :p

But to reiterate and elaborate... When I left the shop there was no-one behind me, there wasn't even really a parking space behind me (they're not marked, it's a farmyard), she saw me in the cab and might have noticed that the enjun was running (Itchy smokes quite a bit on tickover, got to do the timing belt) and parked less than a foot behind squarely in the blindspot.

PS: Land Rover is two words, isn't it?
I wish I had just driven off now. She saw me in the cab and not only parked right behind me but pulled up within 12" of the back of the Landy so there was no chance of seeing her. And when there was an empty car park a few yards away. Silly bint. If common sense was taken into account I'd stand a chance but as it is... Well, we'll see. I just want to make it a pain in the @rse for her because of her attitude.
Man the #### up and accept you ####ed up, it is your vehicle that was moving and therefore did the damage, yes she is a first class daft bint for parking right behind a clearly badly loaded landy but you were driving not her
Dude you reversed into her, her car was parked and she has a right to park anywhere in the car park same as you do. There is also no reason why she can't park 12 inches off the back bumper of a landrover either. She probably wanted to park on the flat near the shop and used you as a reference point.

No way your going to win this to be honest. The decent thing to do would be to man up, stop being a tosser and admit responsibility and either go through insurance or pay privately.
Man the #### up and accept you ####ed up, it is your vehicle that was moving and therefore did the damage, yes she is a first class daft bint for parking right behind a clearly badly loaded landy but you were driving not her

What makes you say it's badly loaded? Do you know what's in there?

And I was going to accept responsibility with the insurance (I was quite apologetic to start with) until she turned on the London attitude.

Back to the original question, why would you park behind a battered, well loaded (1/2 ton of scalpings and 16 used tyres) Land Rover with a scruffy git at the wheel with the enjun running.
I left her my details and let her know that I won't be admitting responsibility. I wonder what my chances are..?

Why won't you be admitting responsibility?

These things happen, albeit carelessness on your part. You reversed into the lady's car. Just admit you're in the wrong and let the insurance sort it out.

Otherwise she could take you to court for the damage, by the time she's loaded car hire, time off work etc you'll be facing a seriously big bill.

Leave it to the insurers and move on, ok you might pay a bit more when it's insurance renewal time (unless you have 'no claims protection') but in the long term it'll be the right thing to do.

You've already provided a statement and an image of the farms name to confirm you were there, so you're chances of denial are pretty weak. Good luck ;)
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Back to the original question, why would you park behind a battered, well loaded (1/2 ton of scalpings and 16 used tyres) Land Rover with a scruffy git at the wheel with the enjun running.

Why would you not? The isn't a law against it.

Perhaps she turned on the attitude as she felt intimidated or something?
What makes you say it's badly loaded? Do you know what's in there?

And I was going to accept responsibility with the insurance (I was quite apologetic to start with) until she turned on the London attitude.

Back to the original question, why would you park behind a battered, well loaded (1/2 ton of scalpings and 16 used tyres) Land Rover with a scruffy git at the wheel with the enjun running.
before reversing did you look out the back of the cab to see if anything was parked up your arse? oh no you didnt because the back end was full of used tyres and other sh1te, all essential cr@p to be carrying around with you when you are just nipping to the shop for brekkie:rolleyes:, so for the journey you were doing it was badly loaded;), i accept you werent going to empty it just to nip out but if you cant see whats behind you because of whats in the back then have a proper look.

your fault- no debate:baby:
I am struggling to see quite what reason at all you have to be agrieved :confused:

You clearly didn't check...you admit you were distracted by the phone and it's not her problem that you had a blind spot....thats why we were born with necks to turn around and look as well as use mirrors.

Be grateful you weren't done for driving carelessly ...and stop being such a **** holding up the process ...this is potentially this woman's only form of transport and has caused a huge amount of agro to her life...which YOU caused and now you want to cause her more agro by not admitting it and dragging it out just to be an arse...nice guy !!
I for one would be more than willing to pass the saved images and screen shots from this thread onto her insurance company or the local plod if you are gonna be a plonker about it, stop being a knob and just admit it.
Can you imagine the Honda owners forum !

and seeing the piccys of the damage caused by the twit who reversed halfway up a bonnet before he realised there was a car there !!!

Mmmm, as others have said ... man up, you goofed ...:(

you're not the first, yup we all know it ...

there but for the grace of distraction and fate it could of been any of us ...