When we were looking for our first Land Rover, we test drove both Defender 300tdi and Discovery 1. (This was back in 2004 when the prices of Discovery 2s were too high for us, even if we had wanted one.) We wanted a very capable tow vehicle to tow up to 3.5 tonnes long distances.
We felt that a Defender was a truck, a Discovery was more comfortable.
So we bought a 300tdi Disco.
It did exactly what we wanted. Plus it has been amazingly reliable and economical But it did and does need welding to the bodywork.
So it pays to really know what you want to do with one.
All Landies rust!
But be careful, you'll get all sorts of opinions on here, and mine is no more valid than anyone else's.
It REALLY does depend on what you want it for.
If you are set on a Defender, for whatever reason I'll probably bow out as I know less about them than I do about Discoveries although the engines are broadly the same.
Best of luck!