What is the turbo heat shield made of?

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Well-Known Member
Going to repair my (kindly gifted to me by someone on here) turbo heat shield. Before I drill into it its not made of aspesdos or anything mental is it?

200tdi defender
I believe it is grp, but that is not to say there is no asbestos in it!
Quite rare to find in one piece nowadays.
Going to repair my (kindly gifted to me by someone on here) turbo heat shield. Before I drill into it its not made of aspesdos or anything mental is it?

200tdi defender
Mine looked like the glass mat out of glass fibre, but without the resin.
Pretty fragile. No idea about the asbestos, but you could wet it down and wear a mask, be on the safe side.
I don't have one. 1996 300Tdi

Only on turbo diesel and 200 tdi models, the shield is to contain the massively huge amount of the horse power both these engine models have:rolleyes:

The real reason is they are set back much further than the 300 and the downpipe practically kisses the bulkhead and pessenger footwell.
No idea, but when I started as a boy in the workshop roughly 30 years ago asbestos free shoes were just coming in and causing all sorts of trouble.
Says 1999 in the HSE link, but also contains a warning that it may be present on older vehicles.

I remember when we used to take the drums off, we used to give the backplates a few taps with a hammer, knock all the dust out.
Miracle any of us are still alive, really.
Says 1999 in the HSE link, but also contains a warning that it may be present on older vehicles.

I remember when we used to take the drums off, we used to give the backplates a few taps with a hammer, knock all the dust out.
Miracle any of us are still alive, really.

Shoes in the vice and clean the glazing off with a hacksaw, I thought it would be quicker to go outside and deglaze them with an angle grinder, got a right rollacking for that!
Only on turbo diesel and 200 tdi models, the shield is to contain the massively huge amount of the horse power both these engine models have:rolleyes:

The real reason is they are set back much further than the 300 and the downpipe practically kisses the bulkhead and pessenger footwell.
Cheers, lynall. Pretty sure mine has never had one on as I was the second owner. Before you posted this I google 200Tdi turbo heat shield and this turned up
Now I've been through the Turners three pages of 300Tdi parts many, many times before and I have never noticed that :confused:
I recon the 200 shield is made of straw mat and cow poo baked hard. ;) Anyway I patched mine with glass tape and epoxy.

Did that work?

I was going to essentially rivet on some metal strips over the cracked bit to add a bit of stability but maybe your plan is better?