What are these mounting holes for?

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Well-Known Member
Far away from you!!
What are these holes in my bumper on the front of my 12v GS ex-MOD 90?
They are duplicated on each side of the bumper but on the drivers side are hidden by the numberplate, but they are there.

I am talking about the holes on the face and top surface not the convoy flag holes on the end.
Any ideas or photos of said holes in use would be good.

i would have thought they are for the military bumperettes , there are various versions, single bolt, twin bolt etc


cheers steve
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Ive never seen bumperrettes on a military defender before (other than prototypes in magazines or where a civvie owner has fitted them after release).
Not sure. Only photo I've found of a TUM on my laptop is this one (sadly I was using it as a coat rack, Army facilities haven't improved that much in recent years!)


Could be an aerial mount, I have seen them on the bumper. something convoy-ish or a mount for electrics as they do have a towing pin on the front (hook it to another vehicle like an umbilical line.

Other than that, no idea!
Not bumperettes on a defender, series yes but defender no.

Its been suggested elsewhere that some are pioneer tools mount, and the 4 holes in a square around the large hole may have been for smoke grenade launchers on desert patrol vehicles. Not sure why my bumper has them though, mine certainly aint a dpv!
Interestingly, my 110 hi-cap came with a galvanised bumper- has exactly those holes drilled into it?? Now that certainly isn't an ex DPV! Could it be a non-military application?

Clearly serves as a mounting point, but of what is uncertain- ID plates perhaps?
Possibly- would a military one have been galvanised though? Def a farmers truck. The buck when I got it attested to that - a lot of pressure washing was involved!!

Possibly for extra lights?
Ive never seen bumperrettes on a military defender before (other than prototypes in magazines or where a civvie owner has fitted them after release).

That's because in the 1970's, the MOD issued a general order making it an offence, punishable by court marshal, for a solider to bump start or otherwise push vehicles (mainly just Land Rovers) using bumperettes due to the number of smashed lights incurred when, usually the front vehicle, steered to the side letting the bumper slip.

So basically they should never be seen on defenders, and became less common on Series vehicles as they removed during work and not refitted or where officers in the RCT didn't trust their guys not to use them when no one was looking. They do continue on some vehicles to fit the rear bumperettes as a protection measure for the rear end, which is why I have them on my 90 (well did, need to refit them).
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