what are these buttons?

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any help would be most appreciated.
I'v just recently got me 1st defender and i'm still on my way around, tryin to work out what works, wat doesnt etc etc.
On the panel where the controls for the rear wiper and cigarette lighter are,
theres 2 small switches which when clicked a lil red light on each switch turns on.WAT THE HELL AM I TURNING ON or OFF?!!
its a 1997, i'm thinkin they cud be for a cb radio?theres a lil metal clip attached onto where one of the screw fitttings that secures the panel that has the rear wiper + lighter controls o it. i'l get a pic asap.
doesnt sound like its a standard fitting thing - carefull it might be rear diff oil release valve trigger - part number LRDEF-007
doesnt sound like its a standard fitting thing - carefull it might be rear diff oil release valve trigger - part number LRDEF-007

k that sounds scary!wat do they do if thats the case. i'l get a pic and maybe someone may have similar in there landy. i'l leave em turned 'off' for now.
ahhhhh guys now ur freakin me out...rear diff, tyre deflators!nxt ur b tellin me its the ON switch for a nuclear warhead up the bloody exhaust!
any help would be most appreciated.
I'v just recently got me 1st defender and i'm still on my way around, tryin to work out what works, wat doesnt etc etc.
On the panel where the controls for the rear wiper and cigarette lighter are,
theres 2 small switches which when clicked a lil red light on each switch turns on.WAT THE HELL AM I TURNING ON or OFF?!!

they probably are for something boriing like extra lights - dunno why you have 2 of them - might be something exciting like air lockers for the diffs maybe?
update----when i flick 'em on theres a click sound, kinda more like a poppin, that could be comin through the speakers.ALTHOUGH i have removed the speakers, so not sure where the pop/click sound could be comin from.i was wishin for it to be the on/off for chav repelant.ahhhh can only dream.....
sounds like it was one of those ex Walls defenders, theres quite a few around these days - the right hand one will be for the Mr Whippy machine the other is for the child magnet.
gawd .. them are the switches for putting the red light on and the 'get a click from yer speaker' generator

ah (slaps forehead) so thats what they are for, well i'm glad thats finally resolved.

It's probably worth the orginal poster taking them off and putting them on ebay as they might be worth a few pound, especially as they are very very rare.
ah (slaps forehead) so thats what they are for, well i'm glad thats finally resolved.

It's probably worth the orginal poster taking them off and putting them on ebay as they might be worth a few pound, especially as they are very very rare.

as i am the original poster I take it as my responsibilty to but ya'l senior citizens in their places! i WILL be puttin them on fleabay and I will b th 1 havin th last laugh when I sell these rare switches for a small fortune!you are all jus envyous that your landys dont have an abundance of mystery switches!!!!!!

as i am the original poster I take it as my responsibilty to but ya'l senior citizens in their places! i WILL be puttin them on fleabay and I will b th 1 havin th last laugh when I sell these rare switches for a small fortune!you are all jus envyous that your landys dont have an abundance of mystery switches!!!!!!


is 34 now defined as senior citizenship now ?