Disco 2 Vacuum pump oil leak

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New Member
Evening. My 2003 disco 2 is loosing oil from the drive's side front of the engine. I have cleaned it all up as best as I can and I think I have narrowed it down to the vacuum pump. Looking from underneath the oil seems to be beading up around the edge of the vacuum pump pulley. Looking from above there is a little wet around the oil feed pipe where it connects from the metal to rubber hose, but not enough to explaIn the rate of drip. There is a slight wetness around the where the injector harness leaves the rocker cover and also below the (rather loose) plastic cam shaft bung. Again though, not really enough to explain the rate of drip onto the floor.
Some questions if you wouldn't mind...

Is the vacuum pump known to leak around the pulley?
I assume I will need a complete pump/alternator assembly - how much of a pain are they to change?
Could I be barking up the wrong tree entirely?

Thanks in advance
Hi, From your info I'd try cleaning up around and replacing the front camshaft bung as you say it's "rather loose". It's a common cause of "oil everywhere"
Hi, From your info I'd try cleaning up around and replacing the front camshaft bung as you say it's "rather loose". It's a common cause of "oil everywhere"
Cheers Griff

I will do that but I really think the oil is coming from the vacuum pump pulley. Could that be the case?
This link shows the pipe (#9) with copper washers for the oil feed so a leak could be possible. Hopefully some one will be along who has come across your problem soon.