Tufftee wants a lie-in today

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The Mad Hat Man

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LZIR Despatch Agent
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minor problem - know its been on here loadsa times but search wont find it:mad:.

batteries all good (checked), but Tufftee wont turn over at all.
I can hear a solenoid clicking in the bonnet area and lights dim on dash, so i reckon the starter motor is playing up. As it 'appens I did give it a good pressure wash last nite after Salisbury, so this could be the problem. I have taken all the connector blocks apart and WD40'd them, but still no go.

I have checked volts at starter motor (big terminal) and its good, and tried rocking the car back and for in gear, without any luck. I dont think it is stuck tho, and certainly not loose. I havent tried the no1 removal tool yet, and have a sneaky sus****un its gonna be a removal and strip jobby:(.

Now bein a lazy bugger, and seeing that the starter motor seems to a bitch to get at, and its about to tip it down with rain, and Tufftee is outside blocking my garage, can anyone remember what it is likely to be, or give me any clooze?
I just remembered - l ast couple of times the starter has just spun the first time i tried to start it - started on second try tho - so it sounds like it is sticking.

Any tips for taking the bastid thing out? Coz it looks like a reet bugger.:(

get Grippa to do it for ya.;)

Haa haa, fark orf!

Should only be 2 allen bolts ter git it orf, just need rilly bluddy long allen keys if it's quite an old (i.e. BIG) strter motor.

I'd check terminal connections again & bettery connections, even if they look tight....................then 'it it wiv an' 'ammer. :D
it aint doin the job - starter motors are easy peasy - its just where it is situated on the Disco - yu need to be a contortionist to get at it, unless yu dismantle half the exhaust and turbo an stuff :(.