Tracking/tyre wear

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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the 110 has been a little neglected recently due to work and moving house. I have noticed that the front drivers side tyre has worn down on the inside edge. The passenger side tyre is wearing evenly and both tyres are always swapped as a pair (I have 6 in total that get rotated around in pairs).

My first thought with tyre wear on the edge would be the tracking is incorrect but this should be wearing both tyres unevenly rather than just the one. What can cause a single tyre to wear unevenly?
I would be checking the tracking first as its easy/cheap, then the swivel housing/bushes/bearings, is the wheel in the same vertical inclination as the other side?
Rear axle bushes all okay?

Get the tape measure out and check axle to axle each side underneath, then wheel centre to wheel centre, basically measure everything to make sure obth sides are near enough to each other.
I noticed this when I moved to an area with loads of roundabouts. Only wore the O/S front

Have you been power sliding here...

