So ive been trying to get this motor running, and, today had it idling for about 10 mins, for the first time in a month or so.
Small patch of black liquid under the timing case.
This is what it looked like inside -
Not much spatter, as its only just started, but the belt is wet.
The three (?) options are -
Crank seal
Cam seal
IP front seal (in which case its fuel, and the blackness is grime being flushed)
Considering the front cover is off, how do i go about working out where the fluid is coming from?
(i know the timing is out in the photo - that's why the cover is off!)
Small patch of black liquid under the timing case.
This is what it looked like inside -
Not much spatter, as its only just started, but the belt is wet.
The three (?) options are -
Crank seal
Cam seal
IP front seal (in which case its fuel, and the blackness is grime being flushed)
Considering the front cover is off, how do i go about working out where the fluid is coming from?
(i know the timing is out in the photo - that's why the cover is off!)