Time to Say Hello, Ambitious Newbie Alert.

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New Member
Hello everyone thought it was about time to say hello and introduce myself as it is wet and miserable and way over due.
Quick biography, always been a series land rover nut, as a nipper had my heart set on one as my first car but as I went into the army I had all the land rovers I wanted and needed to play with. Self taught garden shed mechanic on a host of Mg’s and Healeys, and Jags. Moved back down south, in Ramsgate Kent, so a bit of a billy no mates at the moment, Have a Series 3 diesel which has now revealed itself as a pup, so with a better but still needs work replacement chassis and bulkhead from my cousin for £100. Now firmly set into a ground up restoration… what on earth have I started.
Have already christened the Landy, Pandora.
Lots of pics taken, to share, be great to make friends and contacts, local and further a field, always ready and willing to lend a hand, any excuse to get my hands dirty.
All the best MikeyT

(registered with a couple of Landy forum sites so you may see me around saying hello on there as well as at moment no idea which home is best yet)