Thud Clank Clunk Clutch

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New Member
Sunny Blackpool
I have been letting my significant other drive my Disco:eek: and I’ve noticed when she lifts the clutch there is a most definite CLUNK, this is more pronounced when she goes for reverse. It’s like the prop shaft has started spinning then it finally hits home in the transfer box. I know I have changed my driving style since getting the Disco, like holding the gear leaver tightly when I change from first to second.( very slowly ) I hate waiting to see if its going to jump out and bite me as it used to do one in ten gear changes. If I’m careful then it’s ok. I have been under and grabbed the front prop and i can rotate it by hand, seems like nearly quater of a turn with no resistance, is this normal Any ideas?
Teach her how to drive, that includes, correct lane placement, doing 3 point turns, not dry steering, reversing into gaps with 1inch either side etc... Then let her loose in it.

Seriously thought, my 90s prop will move about an inch, if I lift the clutch to briskly in reverse it will clunk, then from reverse if I go into 1st and bring it up a bit fast, I will get a clunk. This is manly because the props going from side to the other, in the process taking up the play, which if done to quickly will result in CLUNK!

However when my 90 is driven properly, and when other landrover drivers drive it, there is no noise, so its down to bad clutch control. Get her to drive it more like a light petrol, bring the clutch up to the bite, and hold it there for a bit while she takes off. I know she can get away with clutch up and away you go, but she needs to loose the lazy habit.
If i drive, then it does seem to be ok, only now and again do i manage a clunk.

Penelopy Pitstop has her own MGF which she drives like a loon.

She got all arsy with me when i suggested she take things a bit slower, she even made reference to opening the glove box and taking out the spare steering wheel so i could drive aswell !!

Would changing the rubber doughnut at the rear prop make a difference?

I am hoping its just her driving style. I will listen again when she drives tonight, but i will keep my mouth shut.( She knows whos boss )
Sounds like mine was before I got a new mainshaft & transfer gear fitted but that was a 200tdi 150k miles. It will probably last for ages yet, I only got mine done because my clutch was knackard and the boxes had to come out anyway. I saw the mainshaft that came out, it had worn away to points on the gear teeth. I doubt fitting a new donut will help.

If I twisted the front prop quickly by hand, I could hear a metallic clank coming from inside the transfer box when it stopped, which I guess was the transfer gear hitting the points on the mainshaft. I haven't been under there since it got fixed though so couldn't tell you if there is any movement in the prop now.

Like the others said, go easy on lifting the clutch and you won't get so much clunking - that helped on mine but going up hills and changing gear it was impossible to stop the clunking.