Disco 2 Td5 t reg auto NO DRIVE :(

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Well-Known Member
hi all after picking some brains, jumped into the family td5 discovery 2 auto slapped it in gear and nothing, no drive reverse or individual gears

Have drained a bit of oil , good colour doesn't smell burnt, no lights on dash , gear selector is showing on dash p d n r etc, sport button works on and off on dash

Any ideas of other things to check

Haven't had any driving problems prior

Any help much appreciated
Sorry forgot to add that no fully ingaged in high also tried low, no joy
try carefully engaging p but not fully in by any means at idle ,if box is driving it will grate if doesnt box has no drive at all
That's what I thought will try tomo thanks for the reply much appreciated
So replaced the gearbox oil I now have reverse and the gearbox temp light comes on? I've ordered a filter so going to change that n do the oil again then going to call a box ☹️ Any other ideas?
Cheers for the link have had a good read of there site, I'm thinking the forward drive pack is in a sad state but struggling to find a part number for it was going to remove n strip the box with replacing the forward drive pack and clutch in mind , any one have a link to a supplier of the intervals ?