Sun roof gets Disco intensely hot

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New Member
I am happy with my Disco, however, not too keen on the styling of the sunroof, wherein they have two skimpy black perforated shades to help shield out sun. This just doesn't do the job IMHO. The intense rays of the sun come through and make for very uncomfortable driving on those very hot days, even with AC going full blast. I am wondering why LR didn't come up with a more durable closure that would totally block out sun's rays. I might buy some window tint and cut out a piece to fit opening and cover existing roof area that is exposed. Anyone else find this a problem?
why not cut the side out of an old fridge and pop rivet ot over the sunroof, this would act in 3 ways:
1) being white it would reflect the sun light
2) as the sunroof would be sealed it would stop the leaks that you will be on here asking how to fix in a month or so
3) it would stop you smashing the sunroof and falkling through once you have climbed on the roof via your new ladder

also it would probably look aestheitcally good
You could move to Wales. that way it would only be a problem about 1 week of the year. cause it'll be raining for the other 51 weeks. Or move to Liverpool and within a week someone'll smashed alll the windows in it and it'll be really well ventilated
You could move to Wales. that way it would only be a problem about 1 week of the year. cause it'll be raining for the other 51 weeks. Or move to Liverpool and within a week someone'll smashed alll the windows in it and it'll be really well ventilated

thats funny, had mine in liverpool for over 12 months and mine aint been smashed. am i missing somthing here???
hahaha what now i cant afford a decent stereo or sat nav? sound like thats what your impliying, i have a huge infinity head unit, sub and amp on display mate and as for earnings you shouldnt comment on what you dont know.
sorry YD, shouldnt make comments on what he dont know or places people are from.
can you delete the post or somthing cause it just winds me up bud. thanks.
exept youll wear the glass your beer comes in

What is it with these internet hardmen? FFS get a life. what possible effect do you think your pathetic threats are going to have. You haven't got a clue what I look like, where I live or even what my real name is. FFS you don't even know what my disco looks like. And if we ever do meet which is extremely unlikely. I hope your as good as you seem to think you are, because to take me you'll have to be. oh and bring a big knife you'll need it.