Strange whirring noise????

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Active Member
potters bar, herts
Hi all

Me again LOL but the problem this time is that my 90 2.5 N/A 1986. The thing im worried about is that there is a funny whirring noise whilst driving and not when stationary! now it sounds like it coming from the front axle/engine bay now i dont belive this noise is happening which the speed of the wheels but i could be wrong!!
now has any one got any ideas?
Many thanks
Hi all

a little update, it does disapear when i do hard accelaration and its not evident within about the first mile or so!!!
Another good way to describe the sound would be a chuffing sound like a steam engine or something!!!!! LOL
many thanks
Kyle, Don't panic, like I said, I a no expert. Mine resulted because I was sloppy and transfer box ran dry. Was still working months later but a bit noisy. This sort of noise is difficult to trace so if you are not going to a garage for analysis then take of the panel where the middle seat is and you can get a better feel from where the sound is coming from...but keep your hands out !!!
Has the drive train at the front all got oil in it??

Whirring noises usually indicate a gear issue, if the gears are badly worn they can whir under load, both acceleration (as the gears are driven forward) and deceleration as the gears are driven by the forward motion of the vehicle, this would indicate no oil or bad wear so it could be the transfer box. Wear and lack of oil in gearboxes is often accompanied with heat, too much heat, after a reasonably long drive check the gearboxes, are either of them excessively hot? I would however, not worry about that too much though, you could get a good second hand unit for less than £50 and you could fit it yourself (2 person job really for the lifting part).

If it is very much the front of the vehicle I would suspect front axle diff, you could drain the oil and see what comes out, chunks of metal would certainly indicate some serious wear! If you drain the oil and it all looks fine and is not contaminated you can tip it back in (leave the dregs though) or use new oil if your not sure when it was last done or know it to be old.

Jack up the front wheels and spin them by hand, any funny noises?
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I too had a strange whirring for a time that only came on after a while.... it turned out to be a noisy speedo head, if I lent on the dash just above the speedo it would quiet down a bit! It settled down on it's own after a long run.
mine doing that-removing blank bung, nothing to lube and it won't like rim removal:doh: