steering guard and snorkel woes.

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Active Member
moretonhampstead, devon
received my snorkel and steering guard from paddocks on tuesday and was originally quite pleased until it came to attempting to fit them.
3 of the holes on the guard do not accept the bolts, i think due to the galvanising. i am also lacking one of the assembly bolts.

next i had a look at the snorkel to find out that it was missing the rubber section that goes between the snorkel and the vent. i can prob make one my self, but is still annoying.

the other annoying bit is due to the defender, not the accesories.
it appears that when the chassis was galvanised they left the recovery bolts and recovery points on it. so they are now galvanised to the chassis, and i bent a spanner trying to undoe them with out realising this lol.

anyone got any ideas of how i can get around this problem with getting the bolts out?
and to top it all off, the enginnering section of my college wont even let me borrow any of there tools, or even the pressure washer to clean the underneath off.
there reasons were:
they dont want my mud
i might get something in my eye etc and sue them

how petty is that, there an agricultural college and wont let me wash my landy off.should of told them i got the mud from there fields so they can have it all back lol
ask them to send the extra piece of snorkel since you have paid for a missing part, thats crappy service in my opinion. I had mine from rebel and it had a few pin holes in the weld on the plate that attaches to the air intake so we sent it back and they sent us a nice shiney new one and some more silicone. :D
(we could have welded it ourselves, but it is the principle of it, you are paying for a product that works, or in your case is complete)
i think thats what i may do, but fashion my own piece as a temporary item.

oh and forgot to mention when i got it out of the package i dropped the mushroom top lol, so its now got a nice dent in it :)
1 haha
2 you have crap spanners are they from fisher price
3 phone paddocks and tell them the bits are missing
4 get a file and open the holes out a bit
5 colleges are run by poofs that are scared of H&S a kick in the swingers cures this problem
6 phone the people who galve'd your chassis and call them pricks
7 use single hex 1/2" drive sockets rather than spanners
8 lolololololololololololololololololololollolololololoolloloollolololololoolololololololollllloooooollllooollololololoolololololoolollololololololololololoololololololololololololoollolololololololololllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllll
9 now i have a sore finger can you please post me £9000 so i can release funds for tweetment when i have the funds i will send you 200% of your munnys back please send this to mr ololololthreonadas nigerian bank of monkey spankers nigeria
ere if its the bearmach snorkle then they must used ground attracting paint on it cause mine kept jumping on to the floor wherever i put it while I was fixing mine. Mine had the kit to fix it too the windscreen missing out of it.
looks like im gonna have to take a angle grinder to the front recovery points, dont need them anyway as the guard has them on.

and yes they are crap screw drivers, dad bought them for me and hes in the RAF so that explains that lol
can't you use a big fook orf bar to spread it out an a jack to get it on,
had to with the one i got from raz

it was a tight fit over the recovery points but it needs some perswayshun:rolleyes:

as for getting the bolts that have been galvo'd over, fooked if i know:rolleyes:
its really quite annoying, there is two garages in out village, and it is tempting to take it up there tomorrow, but i dont want to pay extortionate rates.

i think an angle grinder will do the job.

will taking a hammer to the bolt loosen the galvy?
And i am supprised with that ermmmmm not. hearing more and more horror storys about stuff from paddocks at the moment. shud have asked myself or raz ;)
If you're lucky, you'll be able to ground round the base of the bolt, and if the zinc hasn'r permeated through completely you may be able to turn it. If it's gal'd on, you'll never shift it withn a spanner unless you get it <very> hot, and keep it hot while you undo it. Zinc melts at about 420 degrees, and if you get it very hot indeed, the fumes won't do you the power of good. You do not want a dose of the zinc shakes. Unless you want to spend 4 days in bed feeling like ****. If it's properly stuck, you'll have to grind the head off, drill out the bolt, and drink many cups of tea. If you're grinding it off, make sure you're upwind, and that the sparks are going away from you.

What did you want to go and get a galvanised chassis for anyway? :D