Snake Oil again...

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New Member
SW Scotland
Sorry to start this in a new thread but I thought it would get lost in the one below.

I’ve been playing with HHO for about a year now and it does work. (I can hear the **** taking starting)

HHO is not steam; steam is H20 water in its gas state.

Hydrogen and Oxygen in their pure state are very explosive fast burning gases. It only needs a few parts per million to make a volume of air burn, or a compressed volume of air explode.

HHO works by increasing the efficiency of the burn inside your cylinder. How efficient do you reckon your 20 year+ petrol or doosil landie engine is at using all the chemical power stored in the fuel it uses. Not very hence the petrol leaking out the exhaust or the plumes of unburnt fuel.

Air mixed with explosive HHO compressed, mixed with atomised fuel and ignited, either with a spark or compression produces more bang for your buck I’ m sure your all familiar with the principle of Nitros injection to boost bhp or using lpg to supplement the air going into your diesel. It’s not that big a jump to understand how HHO would make a difference is it?

Your next argument I’m sure is about producing enough gas to make a difference. There are plenty Patents out there for efficient electrolysers that will produce 6-10 litres of HHO per minute running at 12 volts and 25-30 amps.

I got interested in this, I researched it (and not just from rednecks on YouTube), I built it, tweaked it and I’m happy. I don’t sell them or make them for anybody else but if anybody asks what the funny box is on the front of my truck I tell them.

I used to tell them it used water but they wouldn’t stop laughing long enough to understand how it works. But it does work ands that why I’ve got one on the quadbike and the sit n ride too.

Right rip this **** all you want but if your interested do some reading, have a tinker and try it.

Try here a quick read

Far more qualified gentlemen me, or even Mr Charles Y, take this technology seriously so it is definitely worth a look.

'A small amount of hydrogen added to the intake air-fuel charge permits the engine to operate with leaner air-to-fuel mixture than otherwise possible.'

what happens when or if you run out of water?the engine will surely suffer damage if it's being run lean.
'A small amount of hydrogen added to the intake air-fuel charge permits the engine to operate with leaner air-to-fuel mixture than otherwise possible.'

what happens when or if you run out of water?the engine will surely suffer damage if it's being run lean.

oh you could probelly **** in it to get you to the nearly stream
That HHO nonsense is sheer and utter and absolute DRIVEL!

We've been through it all before.

Check the science. It is just pure nonsense from start to finish. The people making money out of this snake oil are depending on their buyers not having the science to know it is more or less theft. DO NOT SPEND MONEY on this.

i bet a few have been sucked in by this ****e though!

He's gone a bit quiet hasn't he?

Look at this quote:
Your next argument I’m sure is about producing enough gas to make a difference. There are plenty Patents out there for efficient electrolysers that will produce 6-10 litres of HHO per minute running at 12 volts and 25-30 amps.

Ok ... 10 litres of HHO.
First, what the Fxxx is HHO if it isn't H2O which is water! What he thinks he means is 10 litres of hydrogen gas, H2. Let's assume that. Per MINUTE he said.

Now the engine is a 2.5 litre, and even assuming a N/A Landy engine with no turbo boost, cruising along at 2,500 rpm, it will fire two cylinders per revolution, and so per minute the engine will aspire / inhale / breathe 2,500 times half the engine capacity (1.25 litres) equals 3,125 litres of air per minute.

Now even if we could get 10 litres of hydrogen gas, mixing that with over 3,000 litres of air and burning it, CAN NOT (by the laws of physics) make enough extra ooomph as would even come close to making up for the fuel wasted making that 30 amps of electricity at 12 volts, which is 360 watts, almost exactly half a horse power.

The man is either a scallywag, or a fool, ar possibly both.
But he's smart enough to take money from anyone foolish enough to be tricked.

My advice - don't even think about it!


Scania trucks did some experimenting with some water based additives a few years ago.... Think it was blown out as it didnt give any real increase in HP, and carrying any excess weight is a no no now on trucks anyway.

Having said that a lot of trucks now use what is called Adblue which is an additive in the fuel system to cut emissions, so not in the same vein as extra HP etc.
He's gone a bit quiet hasn't he?

The man is either a scallywag, or a fool, ar possibly both.
But he's smart enough to take money from anyone foolish enough to be tricked.

My advice - don't even think about it!


I’ve gone quiet due to work and having a life.:p

Charles we could debate the science of this in an endless thread and you are more than entitled to your opinion and even to vent your steam (H20 steam that is, not hydroxy, I can see it coming out your ears from here.)

A Fool I have been before, scallywag is slightly endearing and according to some correct, but a thief or a con artist I am not.:(

Nowhere in my post about this did I offer anything for sale, or encourage anyone to buy anything.

I used second-hand materials and my own time.

Just to make the point clear- I’m not selling anything to do with this subject, I’m not affiliated with anybody selling anything and I would actively encourage anybody interested not buy anything advertised connected with the subject. I’m not advertising, or endorsing cars running on water, zero point energy, over unity or anything similar.

I’m just a tight Scotsman who likes to invent and tinker a perhaps squeeze a few mpg out of my series truck.

Also I liked your post on running IC engines on wood gas. I have had a go at this too with a home built downdraft gassifier. I managed to get a little Briggs and Stratton to run quite well but filtration was a problem. You forgot to mention that one of the main gasses given off during the pyrolysis is hydrogen. But of course that’s a dirty word.:D

yes it will work as putting electric though water produces hydrogen and oxygen which is the most explosive gas mix, infact the very first internal combustion engines ran on this mix but it was deamed to unsafe i dont however know if using small amounts of this mix would safe enough fuel or give enough power to make it worth it. no on can say its not possible as honda use similar technology
yes it will work as putting electric though water produces hydrogen and oxygen which is the most explosive gas mix, infact the very first internal combustion engines ran on this mix but it was deamed to unsafe i dont however know if using small amounts of this mix would safe enough fuel or give enough power to make it worth it. no on can say its not possible as honda use similar technology

i think the key word here is "similar"

pretty much along the same lines as dark blue is similar to black
Oh would that be the honda car that has to be returned to the factory to be refueled because it's so dangerous/difficult to refuel and because they can't figure out a way to store hydrogen gas that can be supplied to the public safely enough for any US state to authorise it's use.
HHO, h2o, the nurse that likes to say "Yes"!
It takes 200 ltrs of water to make 1 ltr of beer!! And 350 ltrs for a kilo of beef!
My point? ANYTHING that uses water, clean water, is very inefficient. See, like all of us, it dosn't like change! Needs HUGE amounts of energy to get it to do anything! (I'm busy, nurse, leave me alone!)
And to be honest, there just aint that many calories in a pint of water!
Even bunging it down a bloody big hill side dosn't excite it that much!
And Man, you wana see what weird things it does when its under pressure!
Boiling below zero... all sorts of ****!
Freezing faster, the warmer it is? I know! THAT does my head in too! And turning it into Hydrogen + Oxygen? Ermmm...! Very costly! But great fun! Just like the Landy!
And just how much fresh water have we got?
Well, think of all the water in the world... in a bucket. About one teaspoon full could be drunk! And most of that is frozen solid!
No! I suggest beer + burgers for the water thing... And tell everyone what a bloody good thing oil is!!!
(No nurse! It's never me first!)
I’ve gone quiet due to work and having a life..:D


So tell us all, oh expert Mr Chuffer, just exactly what is HHO, and how does electrolysis convert WATER (H20) into this amazing substance HHO ?

No problems separating water into H2 and O2, (you must end up with both) but HHO ? Just what is that amazing substance?
I'm dying to know.

What happens to the free oxygen gas?

Are you aware of the Physics Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy?

In other words, using half a horse-power to split the water to obtain the hydrogen, the best you could get from that hydrogen would be - half a horsepower energy, IF, and ONLY IF, you could burn it with 100% efficiency. Dream on.

I think this says it all

HHO gas or Klein gas is an oxyhydrogen mixture made by water electrolysis, which has been trademarked Aquygen by the firm Hydrogen Technology Applications.

[edit] Claims
Dennis Klein's patent states that his electrolyzer differs from Yull Brown's in that it lacks the electric arc feature.[19]

The HHO trademark is associated with an unproven state of matter called magnegases,[18] and an unproven theory about magnecules, which supposedly shows that HHO is a "new gaseous and combustible form of water".

The key words been "unproven" "theory." and "supposedly"
am gonna stick with me cheese whip and banana engine fer now

Dear Slob,
You can get your banana fermenting in no time at all, in the classic fermentation bottle, and end up with a brew that could be 15% alcohol (the nice alcohol, ethanol C2H5OH) and it is easy-peasy to extract that alcohol and use it as a fuel in a sparky engine.
So, while you may have intended to make a point by ridicule, and you did, you also make the point by reminding us that fuel from the growing of and / or fermentation of plant matter is essentially free fuel.

Nice one.

make a point by ridicule?? HOW DARE YOU,SIR!
i have my chain saw and other infernal combustshun injun powered stuff running on cheese whip and banana, why only the other day i was interviewed for top gear as i had converted clarkson to run on cattle waste produce and even the hamster was keen to drive my god chariot which is currently running an armpit and bollocks sweat engine.
so SIR, either retract your confounded lies or we shall meet at dawn and you SIR shall have choice of weapons.. 1:4" sq drive ratchets,12" adjustables or landrover hub spanners with tee bar