Series 3 Door Top - long nut fixing

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Well-Known Member
Deepest Darkest...
Guys, I'm looking for the long sleeve type nut fixing for my door tops but can't find a part #/supplier online [It's std nut part NH607041 that clamps door top and bottom together].

Would you know who supplies the longer sleeve type nut?

Thank you

eta: Rovers North have them but hoping for a UK supplier

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What we could do with is someone with a lathe to have a go & make some...
If only @My Old Landy had some spare time.;)

(Bar, drilled to suit,tapped for thread, end squared off to allow 1/2” spanner for ease)
Are those sleeve nuts for going onto the studs that hold the door top to the door bottom?

What do they do that a normal nut won’t do?
@flat , yes that's where they fit - first saw them om Britannica Mike's video. They provide sleeved guide to the door fitting and make for quicker undoing. And there's the bling aesthetic :cool:o_O

Of course, they're completely unnecessary :rolleyes:
Are those sleeve nuts for going onto the studs that hold the door top to the door bottom?

What do they do that a normal nut won’t do?

Makes it easier to fit / undo, as v8250 says, saves having really skinny arms or a child slave to get in there with a spanner ...
presumably this is for doors that have door cards on?
As mine (military split doors) are just exposed nuts

They're for either. Mine are military but have Series door cards retro fitted by a PO. I've subsequently put Silent Coat on the doors and 15mm closed cell neoprene on the back of the door cards. It makes a huge noise difference.