Samurai high idel speed

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Hi all.
I've had a 'new' engine fitted to my 'zuke, but now the idel speed raises to
2500 rpm when ever the lights or heater fan are on. Any ideas as to what is
causing this and a possibel remedy?

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:44:25 GMT, "nigel.cooper" <[email protected]>

->Hi all.
->I've had a 'new' engine fitted to my 'zuke, but now the idel speed raises to
->2500 rpm when ever the lights or heater fan are on. Any ideas as to what is
->causing this and a possibel remedy?
Yes there is a step up on the carb to compensate for the extra drain on the
battery when you turn on the lights heater ect.

If you paid for someone to fit then engine then I would suggest you take it back
and get them to connect it all back up properly.


"nigel.cooper" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all.
> I've had a 'new' engine fitted to my 'zuke, but now the idel speed raises
> to 2500 rpm when ever the lights or heater fan are on. Any ideas as to
> what is causing this and a possibel remedy?

OK, this rings a bell with me!
There is a vacuum operated gizmo on the carb that increases the revs when
another electronic gizmo detects a load on the electric circuits. ISTR that
there is an adjustment for this carb gizmo that looks a bit like a throttle
stop adjuster - the adjuster, not the gizmo;-).
My Zuk lump got replaced with a Vauxhall a long time ago but ISTR disabling
the thing by blocking or removing the vacuum pipe! I can't do with over
complicated carbs!

Simon H

On Wednesday, in article
<[email protected]>
[email protected] "nigel.cooper" wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've had a 'new' engine fitted to my 'zuke, but now the idel speed raises to
> 2500 rpm when ever the lights or heater fan are on. Any ideas as to what is
> causing this and a possibel remedy?

Some sort of engine sensor isn't getting a stable voltage, possibly a
voltage stabiliser affected (could also affect temperature or fuel

Check earth straps, and power connections. I don't know specifics, but
most cars get power for lights, fans, and instruments from the
solenoid/relay, rather than direct from the battery. Ignition switch is
another place to check.

It's something common to all these items, probably a bad contact leading
to a significant voltage drop when drawing a high current. If you're
having problems with the starting, it's likely to be the earth side.

David G. Bell -- SF Fan, Filker, and Punslinger.

"History shows that the Singularity started when Sir Tim Berners-Lee
was bitten by a radioactive spider."