Ron Box

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New Member
I have just this morning ordered a Synergy STF box from Rover ron has any body already got one of these, if so what are there expieriences with it? I must admit I can't wait to get it to see what performance difference it makes whilst towing. One doubt I'm am having is I haven't ordered the dash mount switch and think I should have! Oh well but I'd love to hare from any one so I'll half know what to expect!:D
Darrnw said:
I have just this morning ordered a Synergy STF box from Rover Ron has any body already got one of these, if so what are there experiences with it? I must admit I can't wait to get it to see what performance difference it makes whilst towing. One doubt I'm am having is I haven't ordered the dash mount switch and think I should have! Oh well but I'd love to hare from any one so I'll half know what to expect!:D
I fitted a slightly different make, its the dogs far better than a expensive re- map rover Ron's came out after i fitted mine and by what Ive heard about it , its the best ya can get ,plus Ron really knows his subject,so best oh luck. . . .:)
I checked out Rons very informative site today and read about the problems that the boxes will overcome and the performance benifits available once one is plugged in.

My TD4 has about 45k on the clock and seems to run ok with none of the problems I have read about caused by faulty sensors. However, as I have moved from an MGF (yes and it had a head gasket blow after 34k despite being fully serviced) to the TD4 its hard to judge what is great, average or poor engine performance.

Does anyone have a set of figures for pick up from 50 - 70 in 5th gear etc in a standard TD4 so that I could have something more definate to judge my Freelander against.

Steve :)
Darrnw said:
I can't wait to get it to see what performance difference it makes whilst towing.

I've got a Ron box on my birthday list, but doesn't he recommend against using them when towing?


mondo said:
He only advises you dont have it set to "Full out loony mode" whilst towing
I fitted one "synergy" about May time and "yep" its GOOD

Have a read of (Maf prob with a twist)[/quoteI'm still waiting ta hear bout the Willo report on the perbough mod , too busy i guess. . . :rolleyes:
mondo said:
Hi ming!
I think he borrowed it to someone else to help him out.
Cos thats why we all love him. nice chap he is !

Yes, I have the box no more but haven't heard from the other chap anymore so can't give any details on how the Pierburgh behaves with the box. Sorry.:(
willo said:
Yes, I have the box no more but haven't heard from the other chap anymore so can't give any details on how the Pierburgh behaves with the box. Sorry.:(
Oh no will we ever find out if the said pierbough system will work with a td4, , , might have ta try it with ma vedgy mobile,as nobody else brave enough,ya wimp earthlings. . . .:mad:
willo said:
Yes, I have the box no more but haven't heard from the other chap anymore so can't give any details on how the Pierburgh behaves with the box. Sorry.:(

Typical, Try to help someone out by lending them something, Never bloody hear from them again.:D

No more Mr. Nice Guy. willo ;)
mondo said:
Typical, Try to help someone out by lending them something, Never bloody hear from them again.:D

No more Mr. Nice Guy. willo ;)

According to my avatar I might look daft :D but in fact I'm not THAT:) daft to lend such a box and sit and wait if I will hear from the guy again ? I sent it to him after I got the money on my account. Not a penny more than what I paid though, price for price. But I thought to hear at least something about the result but nope. Sorry ming. (and others).
willo said:
According to my avatar I might look daft :D but in fact I'm not THAT:) daft to lend such a box and sit and wait if I will hear from the guy again ? I sent it to him after I got the money on my account. Not a penny more than what I paid though, price for price. But I thought to hear at least something about the result but nope. Sorry ming. (and others).
Dont ya worry Willo , i will find out somehow. . . .:) :) :)
digitalman said:
Does anyone have a set of figures for pick up from 50 - 70 in 5th gear etc in a standard TD4 so that I could have something more definate to judge my Freelander against.

Steve :)

Could have a drag race in the carpark against Tiny if you like Ste? :D
tinytdi said:
Could have a drag race in the carpark against Tiny if you like Ste? :D

I'm not coming into work in that leather mini skirt and high heels again just because you want a race :p . Any racing in the car park will be done wearing manly attire.

Steve :)
tinytdi said:
Never stuck behind those TD4's long enough to time 'em...;)

Next time you're behind one throw a grappling iron and let it pull you, that way you can do the timing at ease ??:D :D
Well last night because the motorway was very quiet I had a play with 5th gear roll on. However, beacuse I was in the Hippo by myself I didn't actually time the results.

50 - 70 would need a watch with a second hand
70 - 80 still need a watch with a second hand
80 - 90 maybe a minute hand would do
90 - 100 yes can get away with a minute hand
100 - 110 I'll take a calander next time.

This of course was done in a scientific manner and because I'm not an irreposnsible person this test was of course done in Germany.

Next time I'm taking a passenger, stop watch and a diary.

Steve :)