hi to all at landyzone
reading all the threads,a lot of you have taken the prop shaft off ,for different reasons..my v reg,1999 freelander is starting to slow down more and more on sharp turning ,so i am going to take the vcu tobe tested in Birmingham where they supply new and recon v.c.u .so until i can afford one i wont to take the prop off ,DO I UNBOLT THE BACK PROP OFF THE REAR DRIVE UNIT AND THE OTHER END OFF BY THE V.C.U this would leave the front propshaft and v.c.u still going around IS THIS SAFE AND WILL NOT FALL OFF ..OR DO I TAKE ALL THE UNIT OFF ,BACK AND FRONT PROP AND VCU,but what about the front C.V does it pull off and leave the spline in the i.r.d box ..?thanks for any info
reading all the threads,a lot of you have taken the prop shaft off ,for different reasons..my v reg,1999 freelander is starting to slow down more and more on sharp turning ,so i am going to take the vcu tobe tested in Birmingham where they supply new and recon v.c.u .so until i can afford one i wont to take the prop off ,DO I UNBOLT THE BACK PROP OFF THE REAR DRIVE UNIT AND THE OTHER END OFF BY THE V.C.U this would leave the front propshaft and v.c.u still going around IS THIS SAFE AND WILL NOT FALL OFF ..OR DO I TAKE ALL THE UNIT OFF ,BACK AND FRONT PROP AND VCU,but what about the front C.V does it pull off and leave the spline in the i.r.d box ..?thanks for any info