Subject says it all really.
Rear diff (150k of use) has started (today) to make a knocking noise not
unlike a failing CV joint. Starts at about 20 mph and gets louder until
it's drowned out by all the other usual RR noises. At first I thought
(hoped) it was a prop shaft UJ but my bloke has had it up on the lift
and isolated the noise to the diff. Says that the pinion gear carrier
(IIRC) is on the way out.
Recommended course of action please.
[1] Replace diff with px item
[2] Ignore until it goes bang and hope that the failure doesn't damage
the axle case
If [1] is it a DIY job? Genuine manual assumes that the diff is only
removed for overhaul and (seems) not to give any hints about pulling or
refitting drive shafts etc.
Real email address is RJS at BIGFOOT dot COM
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Rear diff (150k of use) has started (today) to make a knocking noise not
unlike a failing CV joint. Starts at about 20 mph and gets louder until
it's drowned out by all the other usual RR noises. At first I thought
(hoped) it was a prop shaft UJ but my bloke has had it up on the lift
and isolated the noise to the diff. Says that the pinion gear carrier
(IIRC) is on the way out.
Recommended course of action please.
[1] Replace diff with px item
[2] Ignore until it goes bang and hope that the failure doesn't damage
the axle case
If [1] is it a DIY job? Genuine manual assumes that the diff is only
removed for overhaul and (seems) not to give any hints about pulling or
refitting drive shafts etc.
Real email address is RJS at BIGFOOT dot COM
The information contained in this post
may not be published in, or used by