Re: JESUS CHRIST WENT TO THE CROSS SO YOU CAN GO TO HEAVEN - The good news is that God came from Heaven to earth in the person of Jesus Christ over

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Peter D. Hipson


You are being much too kind! <g>

And believe in it... I believe in Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, The
Easter Bunny, and that all Politicians are honest, that lawyers are
always good and that (hold on to your hat!) that when someone says
"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you." they are telling
the honest truth and that they will help you.

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 02:05:52 +0100, Erik-Jan Geniets
<[email protected]> wrote:

>[email protected] wrote:
>> Good News!

>If you still belief in any or whatsoever God's your I.Q. has dropped
>below 100.
>Kind regards,


"Peter D. Hipson" wrote:
> Erik-Jan:
> You are being much too kind! <g>

I know. Just tried to be honnest....
Kind regards again,