Suddenly, without warning, Tomes exclaimed (17-Feb-06 10:12 PM):
> "Doug Kanter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Tomes" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Actually, we have in NJ a special phone number exactly for that. *77
>>> (star 77) is the 'Aggressive Driver Hotline' specifically for reporting
>>> aggressive drivers.
>>> Tomes
>> If NJ still has some of those insane rotary intersections, it's no wonder
>> there are aggressive drivers.
I wonder if those were a contribution by
>> Robert Moses during one of his civic engineering hallucinations.
> Yep, we still have them, lol. I live right near the 3 of them in
> Flemington. At least they have now put up yield signs up in the
> non-dominant flow directions. I remember when I was a kid the drivers'
> manual said regarding circle rules: 'local custom'. If you did not know the
> local custom it was an adventure indeed. Having grew up with them I see
> them as no problem at all, but I need to watch out for those that have less
> experience with the adventure. There is now a slow moving program to
> eliminate the large circles, some in total, some in part.
> Tomes
> - from the land of the first jughandle, NJ
They're called roundabouts here in the UK, extremely common. When
everybody knows the rules (car on the right has right of way, for
instance) they actually work better than traffic lights to keep things
flowing. Of course, this is the UK so that doesn't always work out either.
I'm not sure how your NJ rotaries work, I know that the two traffic
circles I used to go through in PA worked the same as roundabouts, just
in reverse. I'm assuming everybody moves the same way around the circle
though (here it's clockwise, in the US counterclockwise)?
Still don't like them. With the really big ones here, which can have
more than four exits, it can be very confusing on just which lane you're
supposed to be in.
Here's the scariest one I know of:
and a short video:
Arc de Trioumphe, Paris. This is on a quiet morning. Imagine what this
is like during rush hour! Our bus driver told us that most insurance
companies won't ensure a car that gets in a wreck in this circle. Also,
that buses have the right of way - hit a bus, and it's always *your* fault.
There's an underpass for pedestrians. Can you imagine having to walk
through that to get to the Arc?