Do NOT Spend Any $$$$ on parts B 4 E-mailing me direct.......I belong 2
the Largest Zuki Club in The USA.......Want more POWER......heres a
Trick.....on the Drivers side of the stock carb U will find a 3-4 inch
vac.line .....with a orange & white Vac. Module in the middle
......remove it & replace it with a straight Vac. line....now the
Secondarys on your carb will open when your foot passes the halfway
point......not when they "Feel like it".....u wil lose 1-2 MPG
The Dirt Weasel
"JEEP..........It's whats fer' Dinner"
the Largest Zuki Club in The USA.......Want more POWER......heres a
Trick.....on the Drivers side of the stock carb U will find a 3-4 inch
vac.line .....with a orange & white Vac. Module in the middle
......remove it & replace it with a straight Vac. line....now the
Secondarys on your carb will open when your foot passes the halfway
point......not when they "Feel like it".....u wil lose 1-2 MPG
The Dirt Weasel
"JEEP..........It's whats fer' Dinner"