Rave tits up

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Well-Known Member
Just tried to get into my rave cd and get a message come up that opens a link to on adobe to this...

''The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file you are currently working with requires a plug-in to Adobe Acrobat that is not supplied by Adobe. Visit the Acrobat Resources page for information about third-party products. You may need to contact the author of this document to determine if additional software is needed to view this file.''

Used it earlier no probs anyone else had this problem?
Just tried to get into my rave cd and get a message come up that opens a link to on adobe to this...

''The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file you are currently working with requires a plug-in to Adobe Acrobat that is not supplied by Adobe. Visit the Acrobat Resources page for information about third-party products. You may need to contact the author of this document to determine if additional software is needed to view this file.''

Used it earlier no probs anyone else had this problem?

Yep standard problem. Your RAVE CD should have come with it's own version of Adobe V4 with the add ons, I guess you have tried to let Windows open the disc with Explorer or one of the other options and it has tried to use the version of Adobe resident on your system. Look at the files on the disc for Adobe. If you still have a problem I will go and look at the start up for you. I have now got an icon on my desk top that does it for me automatically.:D:D:D:D
I reckon adobe had updated itself without me knowing cos its always worked off the desktop icon, thanks for the advice.... off to uninstall adobe
well try and right click it and select the old program from the list!!! open with??? try a hammer. try it in another drive!!!
Aint got the option to open with cos theres already a program associated with it, aint got another drive cos its a small workstation.... so its out with the hammer :D
Unistalled adobe 8. something or other and it works fine again, i hate auto updates
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Unistalled adobe 8. something or other and it works fine again, i hate auto updates

Adobe v4 should be on the RAVE CD, if you start Adobe from the CD it doesn't affect any other versions of Adobe installed on the computer, at least it doesn't on XP:cool:, no telling with VISTA:eek:. Current version of Adobe is v9.:D
Adobe v4 should be on the RAVE CD, if you start Adobe from the CD it doesn't affect any other versions of Adobe installed on the computer, at least it doesn't on XP:cool:, no telling with VISTA:eek:. Current version of Adobe is v9.:D
It did on mine, i do remember adobe asking for permission to update tho and im on xp and run rave off the cd
Maybe Adobe was asking permission to update the version resident on your computer and not the version on the RAVE CD?
Thats a thought but it wudnt av been able to update a program on a disc so i dunno, i just uninstalled adobe 8 its ok now