Freelander 1 Questions, questions

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N. Yorkshire
Hi All, I’m a first time FL1 owner (2006 vintage 145k still 4wd).
Q1. I’ve picked up on the mixed tyre issue and checked mine and the front axle has both tyres from one manufacturer, the rear axle has both from another. Can’t remember the names but they’re not known to me. So, can someone clarify if this is going to be an issue and do I need to sort it out as cheaply as possible as I’m not going to be doing massive mileage, being retired an’ all. I’ve only allowed 6k miles for the insurance.
Q2. On full lock there’s a slight rumbling from the front, definitely doesn’t seem to be from the rear. There’s no feeling of brakes being applied. IIRC in the dim and distant past when I worked on my own cars this could be the CV joints complaining. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve gotta say having had it for only three days I really like it, driving position especially. It’ll be even better when it’s got a stereo with Bluetooth etc.
Apologies for the War & Peace essay, but felt background, details would help with replying.
Welcome to FL 1 ownership!
They are fab and very underrated.
The front noise is most likely CV joint as you say. Change whole driveshaft with OEM type as cheap ones last no time.
Wrt your tyres, all same tread pattern is best but mot importantly is that they are all the same diameter. If a pair are less worn put them on the back. I. E bigger diameter.
Do the one wheel up test, search forum, to check your viscous coupler every 6 months.

Read the thread on new tests which is a sticky at the top of forum.
Hope that helps.
Thanks to all who’ve replied.
All 5 of the tyres are brand new, with loads of tread, the spare still has the coloured lines and batch/ date codes on. I can’t really justify 5 new tyres on a £3k car that the LR specialist has just put the existing tyres on. He’s aware of the issues ‘cause he asked me if I wanted it converting to 2WD.
I think to be safe I’ll just get it converted to 2WD. As for the front rumble I’ll check the bearings etc.
Thanks to all who’ve replied.
All 5 of the tyres are brand new, with loads of tread, the spare still has the coloured lines and batch/ date codes on. I can’t really justify 5 new tyres on a £3k car that the LR specialist has just put the existing tyres on. He’s aware of the issues ‘cause he asked me if I wanted it converting to 2WD.
I think to be safe I’ll just get it converted to 2WD. As for the front rumble I’ll check the bearings etc.
Not much of a specialist if he put mismatching tyres on a Freelander.

He's also not much of a specialist if he thinks you can just change it to 2WD. You may have MOT and/or insurance issues with it. You'll have to tell your insurance company that the vehicle has been modified and they may accept that or refuse to insure or alter premiums - would be worth checking with them first. There is debate also whether removing the props is cause to fail the MOT - might be worth having a word with who ever does your tests.

You'd only need to change 2 tyres so you have 4 matching road tyres.

As it happens mine is 2WD, but inspection shows it as unaltered. It has the crown gear removed from the IRD pinion. Been like it for 8 years now and has been a boringly reliable work horse for us that I really enjoy driving. But I can't take it down the beach and other places now which is sad.
If you paid £3000 for it then i would be taking back and asking them to replace two of the tyres, and also looking into the front rumble, it could be the start of the front bearings going, get it sorted by them before you have had it too long, does the spare match any of the two tyres on the car or is it totally different make ?
Hi Arctic 2, thanks for the input. No, the spare is different from the ones on the wheels; they are:
Runway Enduro HP (rear wheels)
Rotalla Setula S Race (front wheels)
Joy road Sport RX6 (spare).
Obviously these are budget tyres but…..
On another subject, do Discoverys suffer from this potential issue. If not I’ll consider ditching the FL and getting a Disco.
Not much of a specialist if he put mismatching tyres on a Freelander.

Obviously these are budget tyres but…..
On another subject, do Discoverys suffer from this potential issue. If not I’ll consider ditching the FL and getting a Disco.

All 4x4 vehicles should have the same tyres front and back, or the drive train components run at different speeds, which accelerates wear or damage. ;)